Tuesday, February 25, 2020

W is for Who's in the Zoo (Preschool)

Unfortunately, I was sick this week so I only was at work for preschool storytime.  That's why I've only put the preschool plan below.  Thankfully I had everything planned out, so my boss graciously stepped in and did two's storytime for me!

Preschool Storytime:

Opening: Big Books

Book: Who Am I? By Steve Jenkins

Fingerplay/Flannel: Lion Hiding Game

Book: What to do if an Elephant Stands On Your Foot
*This book is so funny to read-aloud. I've never used it in storytime before, but I'm so glad I did! The reactions of the preschoolers were so much fun, I highly recommend using it.

Action: Shaker Eggs

Our craft is an adorable paper koala hanging out on a paper towel roll! The preschoolers loved having the 3-D effect of the koala hanging on the stick.

Extra Books:

Saturday, February 15, 2020

V is for Valentine's Day (Preschool and Two's)

Preschool Storytime:

Opening: Big Books

Book: Love From the Crayons

*If you haven't read this book yet, I highly recommend it! While the message may be simple, the crayons will melt your heart. I used puppets and had them deliver the crayons to me. Then I placed my crayons inside my box which I had on the flannelboard.

Fingerplay/Flannel: Lovebug Hiding Game
Love bug, love bug, are you hiding under the {red} rug?
*Changed words from below.

Fingerplay/Flannel: Color Valentine’s
       Valentine, valentine, heart so yellow, wiggle around like a happy fellow!
        Valentine, valentine, heart so red, stomp your feet, then pat your head!
        Valentine, valentine, heart so green, clap your hands so you’ll be seen!
        Valentine, valentine, heart so blue, put your hands on your shoes.
    Valentine, valentine, time to hop, keep on going until I say STOP!

Book: Dinosaur Kisses

Fingerplay: 5 Valentines
*I have no idea where this came from, but I've taken pictures so hopefully can see the adorable rhymes.

*Today we had two games set out for the preschoolers to play. Love monster putt-putt and feed the party animals bean bag toss. We had a very good crowd, so I was a little hesitant to do games along with the craft and food. Thankfully everything went very smoothly and the preschoolers loved it all! Below is a picture of the craft.

Extra Books:

Time for Two’s:

Opening: Big Books

Fingerplay: If You Want to Hear a Story

Book: Do Crocs Kiss?

*The two's normally enjoy this kind of book, but for whatever reason they went crazy over this book! I'm very grateful for this reaction because I love it when they can help me make all the animal noises and recognize the animals in the book also.

Fingerplay/Flannel: Lovebug Hiding Game
Love bug, love bug, are you hiding under the {red} rug?
*Changed words from below.

Fingerplay/Flannel: Color Valentine’s
       Valentine, valentine, heart so yellow, wiggle around like a happy fellow!
        Valentine, valentine, heart so red, stomp your feet, then pat your head!
        Valentine, valentine, heart so green, clap your hands so you’ll be seen!
        Valentine, valentine, heart so blue, put your hands on your shoes.
    Valentine, valentine, time to hop, keep on going until I say STOP!

Book: Love and Kisses
Love and Kisses
*This is the first time I've used this book and I really thought the two's would love it. I had my volunteer use the puppets and each time she would pop up a puppet behind me, I would place a kiss on each puppet. I think at this point the two's were just too riled to listen to anything. They were ready to party! We were having our Valentine party, so we had games and food waiting on them.

Extra Books:

U is for Up Above And Down Below (Preschool and Two's)

Preschool Storytime:

Opening: Big Books

Book: Heads and Tails
*I was very impressed by how many of the animals the preschoolers were able to guess in this book!  The illustrations are just breathtaking inside and the clues that you read aloud are really good.  I didn't read all of this book because it is a little lengthy.

Fingerplay: 5 Little Airplanes: 
 Five little airplanes in the sky. Flying through the clouds way up high.
One little airplane, too tired to soar, landed on the ground and then there were four.
Four little airplanes in the sky. Flying through the clouds way up high.
 One little airplane flew too close to a tree. He landed on the ground and then there were three.
Three little airplanes in the sky. Flying through the clouds way up high.
One little airplane flew a loop-de-loop. He landed on the ground and then there were two.
Two little airplanes in the sky. Flying through the clouds way up high.
One little airplane tried to fly to the sun. He got too hot, so he landed, and then there was one.
One little airplane in the sky. Flying through the clouds way up high.
He got so lonely since no one was around. And joined his friends who were down on the ground.
*I had so much fun doing this with the preschoolers! My volunteer was behind me because I had five airplanes up on the puppet stage. As we zoomed around and fell down to the ground each time, she would remove an airplane. By the third time we repeated this, the preschoolers would say the lines before I could!

Fingerplay/Flannel: Little Cloud Hiding Game

Book: Cloudette
*I was a little hesitant to read this book, just because it is a little long to read at the end of storytime. But the message that this book portrays is astounding, so I had to read it! The preschoolers did really well with it, and I am very happy that I didn't pass it up.

Action Rhyme: Flying Fast, Flying Slow  (HAND OUT SCARVES)
Flying fast, flying slow       
Flying high, flying low.      
Swooping & swirling, I glide through the air.   
My special wings take me everywhere! 
*I handed out scarves and we danced around like airplanes! 

I absolutely love the craft because it is 3-D! So many of the preschoolers put such care into placing each individual square onto the balloon, it was adorable!
Credit: I Heart Crafty Things

Extra Books:

I Spy in the Sky

Time for Two’s Storytime:

Opening: Big Books

Book: I Spy in the Sky 

Fingerplay: 5 Little Airplanes:
 Five little airplanes in the sky. Flying through the clouds way up high.
One little airplane, too tired to soar, landed on the ground and then there were four.
Four little airplanes in the sky. Flying through the clouds way up high.
 One little airplane flew too close to a tree. He landed on the ground and then there were three.
Three little airplanes in the sky. Flying through the clouds way up high.
One little airplane flew a loop-de-loop. He landed on the ground and then there were two.
Two little airplanes in the sky. Flying through the clouds way up high.
One little airplane tried to fly to the sun. He got too hot, so he landed, and then there was one.
One little airplane in the sky. Flying through the clouds way up high.
He got so lonely since no one was around. And joined his friends who were down on the ground.

Fingerplay/Flannel: Little Cloud Hiding Game

Board Book: Bottoms Up!

*The two's did the same craft as the preschoolers, which is pictured above.

Extra Books: