Thursday, November 4, 2021

L is for Leaves Falling All Around

Opening: If You Want to Hear a Story

Book: Bear Feels Scared

Fingerplay: Big Bear
Big bear, big bear, turn around.
Big bear, big bear, touch the ground.
Big bear, big bear,  clap your hands and touch your knees.
Big bear, big bear, turn around and stomp your feet.
Big bear, big bear, roar real LOUD!
Big bear, big bear, jump up and down.
Big bear, big bear, turn around.
Big bear, big bear, sit back down.

Book: Hedgehugs Hide and Squeak

Hiding Game:
Look who is hiding in the leaves?
1,2,3 who could it be?
*For this I have popular book characters and I cover them up with a giant leaf.  The only part I have showing is their shoes, to give a clue to who they are.

Book: Tap the Magic Tree

Closing: We Wave Goodbye (Tune: Farmer in the Dell)
We wave goodbye like this, we wave goodbye like this.
We clap our hands for all our friends, we wave goodbye like this.
We wave really fast, we wave really slow.
We turn around and take a bow, and then its time to go!

Extra Books: