Thursday, September 29, 2016

Go, Shapes, Go! (Two's)

Preschool Storytime
"Go, Shapes, Go!"

Opening Fingerplay: Big Books

Fingerplay: "If You Want to Hear a Story"

Book: "Mouse Shapes"

*My new favorite shape book of all time!  I made all of the characters in the book out of construction paper, and laminated them for the flannelboard.  While I read the book, my volunteer placed them on the flannel.  We also used a cat puppet and three mice finger puppets.  It was so cute, I can't wait to read it again!

Fingerplay: "Shape Guessing Game" 
*I took basic shapes and labeled them on the front, and on the flip side I had pictures of items.  The kids then had to guess what was behind each one.  For instance, our triangle was a watermelon and our circle was a cookie. 

Action: "Shape Dancing"
*We handed out stars and hearts, and the kids danced around with them before our last story.

Book: "What Am I?  Looking Through Shapes at Apples and Grapes"

*This book was a great one to read with our kids, they loved guessing what fruit is revealed.  It's also an awesome book to help teach shapes and colors too.

Fingerplay/Flannel: "Baby Kangaroo, Behind Which Shape Are You?"
*Click here to visit the website that I found this great flannel on.  I just used the shapes from the earlier flannel, and made a little baby kangaroo to hide behind the shapes.  (We ran out of time for this fun game.)

Extra Read-Aloud Books:

  • Achoo! by Morgand
  • Dinosaur Shapes
  • Go, Shapes, Go!
  • Little Cloud
  • Shape by Shape
  • Walter's Wonderful Web

Click here to visit the website where I found the shape house craft.  I have found so many cute shape crafts, that I had to save them all on my pinterest board for future storytimes!  Below is our shape house craft that we did.

*All of the books went over great and the kids loved this craft.  I can't wait to do this theme again.  We had games today, and they were all a big hit!  I forget how much the 2's love beanbag games, and they went crazy!  I just cut a square and triangle out of a box, and had matching beanbags to go with it.  We also had shape bowling, and a pom-pom chute game.  Here is where I got the idea for the pom-pom chute game, and it was the most popular, I think.

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