Friday, January 27, 2017

Winter Wonderland (Two's and Preschool)

Time for Two's Storytime

Opening: If You Want to Hear a Story

Book: Bunny Slopes
*I love this book! It's such a great interactive book, and I'm sad the two's didn't enjoy it like I thought they would. I'm going to try this with the preschoolers and hope it goes over better.

Fingerplay/Flannel: Snowman
Snowman, snowman, hat so red, pat your legs and nod your head.
Snowman, snowman, hat so blue, touch your knee, then your shoe.
Snowman, snowman, hat so white, clap your hands with all your might.
Snowman, snowman, hat so green, jump up like a jumping bean.
Snowman, snowman, hat so brown, reach up high then touch the ground.
Snowman, snowman, hat so black, rub your tummy, then touch your back.
Snowman, snowman turn around and sit back down!
*The two's loved telling me the colors of the snowman and doing the actions.

Book: Mitten
*I wasn't sure about telling this story to the two's, but they did really well with it. They enjoyed watching my animals disappear into my mitten and come flying out at the end.

Fingerplay/Puppets: “There’s Something in the Snow”
    There’s something in the snow, now what can it be?
    There’s something in the snow that I can’t really see.
    Hear it’s funny sound…OINK OINK
    A pig is what I found!
    Contiunue with: Neigh, neigh, a horse is what I found.
                    Moo, moo, a cow is what I found.
                    Baa, baa, a sheep is what I found.
*This is my favorite fingerplay to do during the winter, and the kids loved it! On a whim, I fed the puppets snowflakes and it worked great. I found this fabulous idea here.

Book: Snowman Shuffle
*This is a precious board book, and a great read to get everyone moving. We didn't have time to read it today, but I definitely want to use it next time.

Fingerplay: Snowman On My Nose
*As always, the kids love dancing around with something! I found the words for this here.

Action: To end storytime, I made it snow on the kids! Of course, it wasn't real snow, just paper snowflakes, but they still loved it just the same.

Extra Books:
Baby Loves Winter
Bears in the Snow
Hibernation Station
Peekaboo in the Snow
The Snowball by Giuliano Ferri

Our craft today was a bear, hiding out in his cave underneath the snow. The kids got to glue on the snow and the moon. I couldn't get the website to load where I found this adorable craft, I apologize.

Today was our game day! To check out our winter games, please click here. The two's played snowman knockdown with cups and boxes, snowflake soup, and snowman beanbag toss. Lots of fun!

Preschool Storytime

Opening: Big Books

Action: Mitten Match-Up
*For this I hold up different mittens and have the kids tell me what’s wrong until I get the correct pair. The kids loved doing this!

Book: Mitten (With props)
*I love telling this story, and the kids really enjoyed telling me what animal I was holding up.

Fingerplay: “Snowman, Snowman”
        Snowman, snowman, where are you at?
        Snowman, snowman, show me your hat!
        Snowman, snowman, touch the ground,
        Snowman, snowman, turn around!
        Snowman, snowman, pat your knees,
        Snowman, snowman, sit down please.
        Snowman, snowman, reach for the sky,
        Snowman, snowman, wave goodbye!

Fingerplay/Flannel: Make a Snowman
*For this, I made a snowman, and placed him on my flannel, but he didn't have any arms or a hat. I asked the kids what he needed, and of course they told me! When they said hat, I would place a cowboy hat on him. Thankfully they told me that was wrong, so I replaced it with a pink hat, which they told me was wrong. Lastly I put up the right hat, a black top hat. I repeated this with the snowman's arms. The kids always love telling me what I've done wrong, and this was no exception.

Book:  Bunny Slopes
*I love this book! It's such a great interactive book, and the preschoolers didn't enjoy it like I thought they would. The really liked the beginning a lot, with all the shaking and actions, but not so much the ending.

Fingerplay/Puppets: “There’s Something in the Snow”
    There’s something in the snow, now what can it be?
    There’s something in the snow that I can’t really see.
    Hear it’s funny sound…OINK OINK
    A pig is what I found!
    Contiunue with: Neigh, neigh, a horse is what I found.
                    Moo, moo, a cow is what I found.
                    Baa, baa, a sheep is what I found.
*This is my favorite fingerplay to do during the winter, and the kids loved it! I found this fabulous idea here.

Cut and Tell: Snowman
*This was my first time doing the cut and tell snowman, and it was a lot of fun. I found the idea for it on this website, but I decided to change the story. Here's what I told the kids:
It was snowing on the farm, and the animals wanted to give something to the farmer.  But what was it?  Let’s find out!  The wind blew a piece of paper onto the farm.  And the goat  picked it up and started to chew on it.  After a while, the pig said, let me try!  And he chewed for a while.  Lastly, the dog said, that’s not right, let me try!  And he chewed for a while. Finally, they were all done!  Do you know what they made?  Well, let’s open it up and see!  A beautiful snowman!  Great job animals, let’s give them a big clap! (This is a take on our cut-and-tell story Valentine’s Day on the farm.)
The kids enjoyed it, but not as much as when I do the Valentine's Day story.

Book: Winter is for Snow
*I really like this book, and I read it with my volunteer. I think the kids would have enjoyed it more, but they were too restless at this point.

Our craft today was a bear, hiding out in his cave underneath the snow. The kids got to glue on the snow and the moon. I couldn't get the website to load where I found this adorable craft, I apologize.

Today was our game day! To check out our winter games, please click here. The preschoolers played penguin matchup, penguin color matching, snowman patterns, snowflake soup and snowman putt-putt.

Extra Books:
All You Need for a Snowman
Don’t Wake Up the Bear!
If It’s Snowy and You Know It
One-Dog Sleigh
Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?
There Was a Cold Lady Who Swallowed Some Snow!
Wonderful Winter

Winter Games

This month our games were centered around winter.  Below are what we played!  The first three games are pictured below.

1.) Snowman Toss

For this game, I found some great yarn pom-poms that the kids could use instead of beanbags.

2.) Snowman Cup Knockdown
I found this idea here, and instead of using styrofoam cups, I filled clear cups up with tissues.  I let the kids stack them up and knock them down with their hands.

3.) Snowman Kleenox Box Stack and Knockdown
I took some square Kleenox boxes and covered them with white paper and made each one a part of a snowman.  Then I let the kids to stack them up and knock them down.  Its a great way to teach the kids what part of the snowman goes where and they always enjoy getting to knock things down.

4.) Snowflake Soup
The other game we played was snowflake soup.  I took our big cauldron and filled it up with water and snowflake foamies.  Then I took two slotted spoons and let the kids dip out the snowflakes.  This was probably their favorite game, because of the water!

5.) Penguin Matchup
For this game, I printed out the letters to spell PENGUIN.  I hid the penguins in rice and let the kids dig them out and match them to the letters I had taped to the table.  The kids really liked this, but made a mess with the rice, which is to be expected.  You can find the full set of the penguin alphabet letters on this website.

6.) Penguin Color Matching
All you have to do for this wonderful game is just print and cut it out!  I thought the kids would really like this, but they seemed confused with the color words on the penguins. You can tell this by the picture below, but I still think it's a really cute game!  You can find it on this website.

6.) Snowman Patterns
This game is super easy to prepare, just print, cut out and you're ready!  The kids seemed to like this one.  You can find it at this website.

7.) Snowman Putt-Putt
I forgot to take a picture of this game, but I made a snowman head, and cut out a round hole for his mouth.  I taped him to a box, and stood him up.  We have a kids putt-putt set that I will pull out periodically.  I rolled out white paper, and set my snowman at the end.  You can roll out some red paper for the tongue, but I didn't do that this time.  I think this and the snowflake soup were tied with the rice for top games with the preschoolers.

Roar, Roar, Dinosaur! (Preschool and Two's)

Preschool Storytime:

Opening: Big Books

Book: I Wanna Be a Great Big Dinosaur!
*I fell in love with this book when we received it, and I was very excited to read this to the kids. But it didn't go over as well as I had hoped. Its a really cute and interactive book, but I don't think I will try reading it aloud to the kids again.

Fingerplay: Dinosaur, Dinosaur
Dinosaur, dinosaur turn around.
Dinosaur, dinosaur touch the ground.
Dinosaur, dinosaur chomp your jaws.
Dinosaur, dinosaur show your claws.
Dinosaur, dinosaur touch your toes.
Dinosaur, dinosaur move real slow.
Dinosaur, dinosaur jump up high.
Dinosaur, dinosaur touch the sky.
Dinosaur, dinosaur slap your knees.
Dinosaur, dinosaur sit down please.

Fingerplay/Flannel: Dinosaur, Dinosaur, Behind a Door
*The kids love hunting for anything I've hidden on my flannelboard, and the dinosaurs was a big hit! Check out where I found this cute idea here!

Book: Meet Dizzy Dinosaur!
*This book is awesome! I have never read it before in storytime, and it was a big hit! Throughout the whole book you get to interact with Dizzy dinosaur, which makes this book wonderful. The kids loved helping out Dizzy, and I will definitely use this one again.

Fingerplay/Flannel: Five Dinosaurs Jumping on the Bed
*We didn't do this today, because I've lost my flannel pieces!

Fingerplay: Dinosaur Dancing
*I handed out dinosaurs that I've laminated and put velcro on the back of. We danced around with our dinos before placing them on the flannelboard. There are all kinds of actions you can dance along to, and this website has some great ideas.

Book: Have You Seen My Dinosaur?
*For this, I had volunteer pop up the dinosaur behind me, and when I read “HAVE YOU SEEN MY DINOSAUR” she would pop up a dinosaur. The kids went beserk!  After that I caught the dinosaur with my net instead of doing the action listed below “We’re going on a Dinosaur Hunt”. This is a really cute book, and I plan on using it again.

Storytelling: “We’re Going on a Dinosaur Hunt”
We’re going on a dinosaur hunt, and we’re not afraid!
There’s some tall grass!  We can’t go under it or around it!
We must go through it!  (Swish, swish, swish)
We’re going on a dinosaur hunt, and we’re not afraid!
There’s a river!  We can’t go under it or around it!
We must swim through it! (Swim, swim, swim)
We’re going on a dinosaur hunt, and we’re not afraid!
There’s a tall mountain!  We can’t go under it or around it!
We must climb over it! (Climb, climb, climb)
 Look!  Over there!  I see a cave!  Oh my, look what I found!
A giant footprint! (HOLD UP FOOTPRINT)
I guess we’ll go into the cave.  It’s cold in here!  (Shake)
I feel some scales, and some big teeth…you think it’s a dinosaur!
Run out of the cave, Climb over the mountain,
Swim through the river, Walk through the grass
Run in the house, open the door, jump into bed!
I went on a dinosaur hunt, and I wasn’t afraid!  Were you?
*There are all kinds of versions of this to choose from, and this is the one that I liked the best.

Extra Books:
Dinosaur Colors
Dinosaur Numbers
Dinosaur Zoom!
Dinosaurs Love Underpants
How Do Dinosaurs Choose Their Pets?
How to Raise a Dinosaur
One More Dino on the Floor
Samanthasaurus Rex
Shape by Shape
Ten Terrible Dinosaurs

For our craft today, the kids made a baby dinosaur hatching out of his egg.


Time for Two's Storytime:

Opening: Big Books

Fingerplay: If You Want to Hear a Story

Book: Shape by Shape
*This is my favorite dinosaur book, and the two's loved it! Always a great one to use with this age.

Fingerplay: Dinosaur, Dinosaur
Dinosaur, dinosaur turn around.
Dinosaur, dinosaur touch the ground.
Dinosaur, dinosaur chomp your jaws.
Dinosaur, dinosaur show your claws.
Dinosaur, dinosaur touch your toes.
Dinosaur, dinosaur move real slow.
Dinosaur, dinosaur jump up high.
Dinosaur, dinosaur touch the sky.
Dinosaur, dinosaur slap your knees.
Dinosaur, dinosaur sit down please.

Fingerplay/Flannel: Dinosaur, Dinosaur, Behind a Door
*I found this great idea here. The kids loved getting to hunt for the dinosaur today.

Book: Meet Dizzy Dinosaur!
*This is a really cute interactive book. The kids enjoyed it, but not as much as I had hoped they would.

Fingerplay/Flannel: Five Dinosaurs Jumping on the Bed
*Instead of jumping up and down like monkeys, we were dinosaurs! The kids loved it!

Storytelling: “We’re Going on a Dinosaur Hunt”
   We’re going on a dinosaur hunt, and we’re not afraid!
    There’s some tall grass!  We can’t go under it or around it!
    We must through it!  (Swish, swish, siwsh)
            We’re going on a dinosaur hunt, and we’re not afraid!
            There’s a river!  We can’t go under it or around it!
            We must swim through it! (Swim, swim, swim)
    We’re going on a dinosaur hunt, and we’re not afraid!
    There’s a tall mountain!  We can’t go under it or around it!
    We must climb over it! (Climb, climb, climb)
            Look!  Over there!  I see a cave!  Oh my, look what I found!
            A giant footprint! (HOLD UP FOOTPRINT)
            I guess we’ll go into the cave.  It’s cold in here!  (Shake, shake)
            I feel some scales, and some big teeth…you think it’s a dinosaur!
    Run out of the cave, Climb over the mountain,
    Swim through the river, Walk through the grass
    Run in the house, open the door, jump into bed!
    I went on a dinosaur hunt, and I wasn’t afraid!  Were you?
*For this, I had my volunteer hiding behind my puppet stage with my dinosaur. After we went on our dinosaur hunt, I brought out my butterfly net and caught our dinosaur. Of course, it took me a few tries before I could catch it, and the kids loved it.

Fingerplay: Dinosaur Dancing
If you have a dinosaur touch your toes. (repeat twice)
If you have a dinosaur, if you have a dinosaur.
If you have a dinosaur touch your toes.
*Spin around, Jump up and down, Flap your arms, Growl and Roar
*For our dancing today we had to use dinosaurs! I found the really cute words above here.

For our craft today, the kids made a baby dinosaur hatching out of his egg.