Thursday, June 22, 2017

Build a Better Dragon (SRP-Preschool)

Preschool Storytime:

Opening: Big Books

Flannel: Hippity-Hop
*This was so much fun to use! The only thing I changed was make the frogs see a dragon instead of the alligator. Because our storytime is about dragons. The kids had fun counting the frogs and telling me that we hadn't reached the top of my flannelboard yet. I found this wonderful idea here, and you can see it along with the words too.

Book: It Came in the Mail
*I decided at the last minute to read this book, and I'm really glad I did!  I took three felt mailboxes I bought for a dollar each, and put inside small animals inside them.  As I read the story I opened up my mailboxes to show the kids what I had gotten inside each mailbox.  The only thing I would do differently next time is make one giant mailbox that I can stuff lots of crazy and fun stuff inside.

Fingerplay: Dragon, Dragon
*We had lots of fun standing up and being dragons.  Check out the words for this here.

Book: I Will Not Eat You
*I love the pair of eyes peering out of the cave on the cover of this book!  The kids really enjoyed this book, especially making all the animal noises!  When we discovered it was a dragon hiding in the cave, a big dragon popped his head up over our puppet stage, much to the delight of the kids.

Fingerplay: Dragon Hiding Game
Little dragon, little dragon, where can you be?
Are you hiding behind the {red} tree?
*I wanted a hiding game to play today, and this is what we did!

Fingerplay: Five Dragons Jumping on the Bed
*Of course we had to jump up and down, so instead of monkeys we were dragons!

Book: Not Your Typical Dragon
*This book is great, but very lengthy. To make it shorter, I did skip a lot of the words, but still got the point of the book across. Baby Crispin the dragon can't breathe fire, but he can breathe everything else! From marshmallows to teddy bears! I had all the items cut out of paper, and every time that baby Crispin tries to breathe fire and doesn't, I would throw out the item that appears in the book. They went crazy!

Action: Dragon Hunt
*We ran out of time today to go on a dragon hunt.

Our take home craft today was a dragon made out of a toilet paper roll.  So cute!  Check out the instructions for this fire-breathing dragon here!

Extra Books:
How to Draw a Dragon
How to Dress A Dragon (The next time I read this I want to make a flannel to go along with the book.)
One Drowsy Dragon

There Was an Old Dragon Who Swallowed a Knight

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