Monday, July 31, 2017

SRP Two's Finale

It's that time of year, party time!  We ended our two's storytime with a big finale party!  We had food, crafts and games.  Below is a list of what we did, along with links of where I found the ideas.
I didn't want to overwhelm the two's, so we scaled down what we did from our other finale parties earlier this week.

1.) Wrecking Balls:
For this, we just put out Cheetoh Balls!  Easy and fun!

2.) Red Lights:
I love this idea, which I found here.  These are super easy to do, just make rice-krispy treats, cut and add your colors!  If you don't want to use candy, then just use icing instead.

3.) Red Light Craft
I love torn paper crafts, and this one fit in perfectly with our theme!  I found it here.

4.) Red Light Beanbag Toss Game
This is such a fun game, and really easy to make.  I just covered an empty box we had, cut out my holes, and I was done!  Instead of beanbags, we made our own yarn pom-poms to toss.  I found this great idea here!

5.) Car Putt-Putt Game
I wanted to do a putt-putt game, and stick with our construction and car theme.  I decided to make a car, and use the wheels as the holes to putt the ball into.  Instead of putting down green paper, we made a road for the kids to putt on.

6.) Lego Knockdown
The kids love knocking down my empty boxes that I decorate, so today we made them into giant LEGO's!

7.) Photo Props
For photo props, my boss made oversized tools, and I backed them to make them more sturdy!

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