Thursday, May 10, 2018

Planting a Rainbow (Preschool and Two's)

Preschool Storytime:

*I don't know why, but everything went wonderfully today! All the books went good, except the first one didn't go over as well as I had hoped, but that happens. The kids were really interactive with me, and went crazy over all the puppets and flannels. Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't!

*Unfortunately I forgot to bring my portable speaker with me to play this, but I did use this with the two's, and they really seemed to enjoy this song!

Opening: Big Books

Fingerplay/Flannel: Seed Guessing

Book:  Too Tall Houses (Cover boxes and stack up to represent houses for rabbit and owl.)
*I was so excited to use this book, and to stack up boxes to represent the houses for rabbit and owl. Maybe it didn't wow the kids because my boxes didn't look like houses? For whatever reason the kids were not near as enthusiastic as I was with the book. I do have to say that they listened very well during the book, which is always a plus.

Fingerplay: Little Flower, Little Flower
Little flower, little flower twist around.
Little flower, little flower touch the ground.
Little flower, little flower spread your petals wide.
Little flower, little flower now you hide.
Little flower, little flower stretch towards the sun.
Little flower, little flower in the wind have fun!
Little flower, little flower time for one jump up and down.
Little flower, little flower sit back down!

Fingerplay/Flannel: Vegetable Guessing Game
*I'ts been a long time since I've used the tablet and played a guessing game with the preschoolers. This is a great one to use, and the preschoolers knew every vegetable! There are more available in this series, so I plan on using them in future storytimes.

Book: Guess What? Flowers
*I know that the preschoolers love guessing games, but I never expected them to go so crazy over this book! A very pleasant reaction, indeed!

Fingerplay: Little Worm Hiding Game  
Little worm playing hide and seek.
Are you under the __ fruit?
Let's take a peek!
Credit: So Tomorrow

Fingerplay/Flannel: “Over in the Garden” (Use garden vegetable prop box.)
      Over in the garden where the vegetables grow,
      There sat a {color vegetable} in a nice straight row,
      Along came a {puppet} who hadn’t had lunch.
      He ate that {color vegetable} with a crunch, crunch, crunch!
*I apologize, I can't locate where I found this wonderful fingerplay. If it's your creation, please let me know!

Book: Do You Know Which Ones Will Grow?
*I love this book, but I was a little hesitant to use it. I was afraid that the preschoolers wouldn't enjoy it, but they really did! I think they loved telling me "No!", that doesn't grow, or "Yes!", that does grow.

Fingerplay/Flannel: Carrot Dancing
*To end storytime, we fed carrots to our rabbit,

Our craft today was a garden with peas in it!  The thing I loved the most was the dirt was a pocket, and the preschoolers could choose to not glue down the peas, and instead tuck them inside the dirt.  When I showed this to the preschoolers, they were in awe!  It was so adorable.  The preschoolers glued the dots onto the peas, the worms and the sign.

*To end storytime, we fed carrots to our rabbit,

Extra Books:  

Muncha! Muncha! Muncha!

Time for Two’s Storytime:

*Oh my, if you looked at my plan above, it was such a great storytime! Well, today was the polar opposite. The storytime itself wasn't bad, exactly! LOL....the kids were just so restless, and that set the tone for the day. Overall, the kids enjoyed all the book, they were just so energetic it was very hard to capture their attention. Yes, they are two's, but normally I see that as a challenge and embrace it. But today, for some reason, it was very hard to get anything to stick with them. But we still had a great time!

Opening: Big Books

Fingerplay: If You Want to Hear a Story

Book: Who’s in the Garden?

Fingerplay: Little Flower, Little Flower
Little flower, little flower twist around.
Little flower, little flower touch the ground.
Little flower, little flower spread your petals wide.
Little flower, little flower now you hide.
Little flower, little flower stretch towards the sun.
Little flower, little flower in the wind have fun!
Little flower, little flower time for one jump up and down.
Little flower, little flower sit back down!

Fingerplay: Little Worm Hiding Game
Little worm playing hide and seek.
Are you under the __ fruit?
Let's take a peek!
Credit: So Tomorrow

Book: Guess What? Flowers

Fingerplay/Flannel: “Over in the Garden” (Use garden vegetable prop box.)
      Over in the garden where the vegetables grow,
      There sat a {color vegetable} in a nice straight row,
      Along came a {puppet} who hadn’t had lunch.
      He ate that {color vegetable} with a crunch, crunch, crunch!
*I apologize, I can't locate where I found this wonderful fingerplay. If it's your creation, please let me know!

Action: Carrot Dancing

Our craft today was a garden with peas in it!  The thing I loved the most was the dirt was a pocket, and the preschoolers could choose to not glue down the peas, and instead tuck them inside the dirt.  

Extra Book:
I Spy in the Garden (Office Copy)

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