Monday, March 25, 2019

Go Green! (Preschool and Two's)

Preschool Storytime:

Opening: Big Books

Fingerplay/Flannel: I am Sam
I am Sam, Sam I am.  I do like GREEN eggs and ham!  
*The preschoolers love it when they can tell what I have incorrect. For this storytime, I told my preschoolers I wanted to find my "green" egg. Of course, I couldn't find the green egg on the first try, or the second. It took me quite a few tries until I found the correct egg. I have no idea where I found this, so if it's your fabulous idea, please let me know!

Book: Green Eggs and Ham

*For this wonderful book, I get to eat real green eggs! Now don't fret, they are green because of food coloring. My volunteer reads the part of Sam I am, and I read the other part. I don't read every page, since this would take up over half of the storytime. This book was received very well, especially when I ate the green eggs and enjoyed them!

Fingerplay: Color Hop Song (Tune: Old MacDonald)
         I see something that is green.
         Do you see it too?
         I see something that is green.
         HOP there if you do.
         With a hop, hop here.
         And a hop, hop, there.
         Here a hop, there a hop.
         Everywhere a hop, hop.
         I see something that is green.
         Do you see it too?
         (Have puppets pop up: snake and alligator.)
*I love to do something fun like this, but I never expected the reaction I received from the preschoolers. When the green animal popped up behind me, they all screamed like crazy! Again, I've been doing this one for years, so if it's your fab idea, speak up!

Book: I’m a Frog by Mo Willems
*I've never read this book in storytime before, but I'm so glad I did! I was the part of Piggie and my volunteer was Elephant. The preschoolers loved seeing me jump around and holler "Ribbit" over and over. Even the adults thoroughly enjoyed this book too!

Fingerplay: 5 Green Apples (Feed to puppets, use tree from 5 little monkeys)
Farmer Brown had 5 green apples, hanging on the tree
*Along came the pig and what did he see?  A green apple that he ate up so quickly!
Leaving 4 green apples, a-hangin’ on the tree.
…Continue counting down to 1 green apple…
Farmer Brown had 1 green apple, hanging on the tree
He plucked that apple and he gave it all to me,
Leaving no green apples, a-hangin’ on the  tree.
Credit: Sunflower Storytime
*I love feeding food to my puppets and the fingerplay above presented the perfect opportunity for it. I made five flannel apples and placed them on my flannel tree, so that we could all count down from 5 to 1. I did change the bold line to one I wanted to use myself instead of original.

Book: Can You Make a Scary Face?

*This is another classic book I love using, and it's great to get the preschoolers up and moving! Why? Because you are trying to help the ladybug inside the book. She is trying to get a little bug out of her book. So you do the chicken dance, and other things. During all that, the little bug gets stuck in your shirt! My favorite part of this was when a little boy told me that he had already gotten that pesky bug out of his shirt! That's why I love doing this, you never know what will happen!

Our craft today was a spotted frog with his tongue sticking out!

Extra Read-Alouds:

Time for Two’s Storytime:

Opening: Big Books

Fingerplay: If You Want to Hear a Story

Book: I Spy With My Little Eye

*The two's love guessing games and this book is perfect! Our puppets came to visit us during this book also, which made for a very fun time.

Fingerplay: 5 Little Frogs
One little frog goes hop… Another comes along and they just can’t stop!
So, two little frogs go hop, hop… Another comes along and they just can’t stop!
So, three little frogs go hop, hop, hop… Another comes along and they just can’t stop!
So, four little frogs go hop, hop, hop, hop… Another comes along and they just can’t stop!
So, five little frogs go hop, hop, hop, hop, hop… They all got tired so they had to stop!
*Start out with 5 frogs up, say:
5 little frogs go hop, hop, hop…..(Have volunteer take down frog)..STOP!
Let’s count those frogs again!
*I like to just start out with 5 frogs up, and we will all jump until one frog disappears! Then, we will all count together to see how many frogs there are and repeat until no more frogs are left.
Credit: Preschool Education

Book: Where is the Green Sheep?

*I have not read this book in years, and I have a funny story why. All through the book you are looking for the green sheep. So, the last time I used this in storytime I had my volunteer hiding behind a big bulletin board that we can move around. I had a green sheep cut out that she would pop up every time I read the phrase "Where Is the Green Sheep?". This is repeated at least five times throughout the book. Well, to make it more interesting, after about the third time, I got up, and leaned back so that she could reach up and tape the sheep to my back. Then I walked around and asked again where that sheep was. The preschoolers hollered and pointed at my back, but I played it up and said I couldn't find that sheep. I read the next few pages and then stood up and asked again where that sheep was. I was planning on leaning back so that my volunteer could quickly snatch that sheep off my back. Did that work? Of course not! Before I could get back there I had a preschooler run up, quickly snatch that sheep off my back and say, HERE IT IS! All I could do was just stop and laugh quite hysterically! I couldn't let it ruin the book because I did keep asking where that green sheep was, didn't I? Well, I learned my lesson from that, so for the two's I kept the green sheep behind me. My volunteer just popped it up every time I asked and the two's caught on very quickly to let me know where it was. If you have a funny storytime story to share, I'd love to hear it!

Fingerplay/Flannel: Five Little Monkeys Swinging in the Tree

Fingerplay: 5 Green Apples (Feed to puppets, use tree from 5 little monkeys)
Farmer Brown had 5 green apples, hanging on the tree
*Along came the pig and what did he see?  A green apple that he ate up so quickly!
Leaving 4 green apples, a-hangin’ on the tree.
…Continue counting down to 1 green apple…
Farmer Brown had 1 green apple, hanging on the tree
He plucked that apple and he gave it all to me,
Leaving no green apples, a-hangin’ on the  tree.
*I love feeding food to my puppets and the fingerplay above presented the perfect opportunity for it. I made five flannel apples and placed them on my flannel tree, so that we could all count down from 5 to 1. I did change the bold line to one I wanted to use myself instead of original.

Dancing: Green Egg Dancing

Our craft today was a spotted frog with his tongue sticking out!

Extra Read-Alouds:

Monday, March 18, 2019

Animal Shapes (Preschool and Two's)

Preschool Storytime:

Opening: Big Books

Book: Shapes
*If you don't have this book, then I highly recommend purchasing it!  Our copy is office-use only, just because the book is filled with delightful flaps on every page.  I'm not sure the book would last beyond a few checkouts.  I only read the first two pages, but the preschoolers loved guess what was behind each shape.  It's a wonderful book to help teach your preschoolers shapes and how to recognize them in the world around them.

Book: Hidden Animals
*This is a new book that came out last year, and it's fabulous! I've included the first page below, so that you can see just how amazing this book really is! If you look real close, you can see part of the animal, but what is it? guess it! A yellow bird! When you flip the page over, you reveal the animal! The preschoolers really enjoyed telling me the color and shape on the first page. Then, they were amazed to see the jumble of shapes turn into an animal before their eyes!

Fingerplay/Flannel: Shape Guessing Game
*For this flannel, I have an assortment of shapes up on my flannelboard. For example, I have an octagon, and on the other side of it is a stop sign. I give clues as to what my shapes could be, we all try to guess, then I flip them over! After we guessed all my shapes, I decided we needed to get some wiggles out! I took my stop sign, and we all spelled out what it said. Then, we jumped up and down until I flipped over my shape to show the side that said, STOP!

Fingerplay/Flannel: Kangaroo, kangaroo, behind which shape are you?

Book: Shapes, Reshape!

*This is my favorite shape book to use, and I hope that you like it too!  You start out each page with all the shapes jumbled up together.  There will be a small clue to help you guess what each shape will reshape into.  When you turn the page....presto!  The shapes reshape into an exciting animal!  My volunteer was behind me so that our animals could visit us during this book.

Fingerplay/Flannel: Baa Baa Black Sheep
*The preschoolers love bringing things up to me and sticking them onto my flannel. This activity is perfect to help teach them to listen and recognize shapes. Each sheep on my board has a shape on their belly. Next I hand out little bags with shapes on them. I was pleasantly surprised how well the preschoolers listened for their shape. If you click on the website below, you can read the adorable rhyme to use with this great activity!
Our craft today was a shape butterfly!

Extra Books:

Time for Two’s Storytime:

Opening: Big Books

Fingerplay: “If You Want to Hear a Story”

Book: Shapes, Reshape! (with puppets)

*Each page of this book starts out with all the shapes jumbled up together.  There will be a small clue to help you guess what each shape will reshape into.  When you turn the page....presto!  The shapes reshape into an exciting animal!  My volunteer was behind me so that our animals could visit us during this book.  The two's adore puppets, so I always try to work them into storytime somehow.

Fingerplay: Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed

Book: Hidden Animals by Agnese Baruzzi

*This is another wonderful guessing book, with peek-a-boo pages. The two's really liked guessing what animal would be revealed to them.

Fingerplay/Flannel: “Baby Kangaroo, Baby Kangaroo”
Credit: Falling Flannelboards

Fingerplay: Five Little Cookies
*For this, I did doughnuts instead of cookies. I put all my doughnuts up on the flannelboard, and I fed them to my puppets.
Credit: Miss Mary Liberry

Fingerplay/Flannel: Baa Baa Black Sheep
*The two's love bringing things up to me and sticking them onto my flannel. Each sheep on my board has a shape on their belly. Next I hand out little bags with shapes on them. If you click on the website below, you can read the adorable rhyme to use with this great activity!

Our craft today was a shape butterfly!

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

March New Books 2019

I just adore this enthusiastic little chick!  She comes out of her eggs cheering!  But nobody on the farm will help her. Or will they?  I definitely will use this book for my dancing theme.  Why?  Because we all can get up right along with the cute little chick, cheer and dance together!

This is perfect for  a silly or space storytime!  The little girl in the story can't get her song right and she's keeps confusing the lamb with the song twinkle twinkle little star!  Does she ever get it right?  Maybe!  This is perfect for our SRP theme this year!

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Building Blocks (Preschool and Two's)

Preschool Storytime:

Opening: Big Books

Book: Huff and Puff

*I adore this story, and our craft today was the three little pigs! How could I not read this book, right? I've already got props made for it, which you can view from a previous post by clicking here. That made some of the prep work for this storytime easier, at least a little bit. The preschoolers loved helping me "blow" down the houses of the pigs!

Fingerplay/Flannel: Tool Hiding Game
Bruno needs his hammer lots and lots.
Is it hiding in the (say color) toolbox?
Credit: Roving Fiddlehead Kidlit

Book: Moving Blocks by Yonezu
*I was worried about using this book with the preschoolers, since it's a board book.  I am so glad that I did!  It's a guessing book, so you can't see what each page of blocks will turn into until you turn the page.  The preschoolers went wild guessing and telling me what each page would turn out to be!  At the end of the book, the blocks turn into a rocket.  After that, we all crouched down on the floor, counted down from 5 to 1, and blasted up into the air like rockets.

Action: Stack the Blocks (Tune: The Ants Go Marching In)
We stack the blocks one-by-one Hurrah! Hurrah!
We stack the blocks one-by-one Hurrah! Hurrah!
We stack the blocks one-by-one
We are having so much fun
Then they all go tumbling down – to the ground
Boom, Boom, Boom!
*This was one of the best moments of storytime for me! I took some long soda boxes that we have been saving and covered them in construction paper. Then I had the preschoolers stand up. While I sang the lines above, we all marched together while my volunteer and I stacked the boxes. The first time we did this, the preschoolers didn't know what to expect when my volunteer knocked over the boxes. They were ecstatic! When I asked them if they wanted to do it again, they started to rush forward to help me. Unfortunately I had four boxes and about 33 kids, so this wouldn't work. I asked them to jump up and down while my volunteer and I stacked the boxes so this worked out very well. For our games at the end of this month, I hope to cover many more of my soda boxes, so that the kids can build and stack as many of the boxes as they'd like.
Credit: Teach Preschool

Book: Rex Wrecks It!

*I love being able to make props for the stories and make them come to life for the preschoolers. For this story, I made all the shapes in the book out of paper blocks. Then I laminated them, and taped them to boxes. Why? Because Rex, the dinosaur, knocks over all the creations of his friends! So, I would take each creation and prop up the box. After Rex "wrecks" the creation, I knock the box over I have standing up. Then I will throw out onto the kids tiny little paper blocks that are cut up out of construction paper. The best part of the book to me is that at the end, Rex and his friends work together to make a creation and then "wreck" it together. I love that the book teaches the kids not to tear down each others towers and to work together and share. I hope this all of my explanations make sense, I've included pics below of what I've made as props.

Our craft today was the three little pigs! We got so many happy compliments from parents on our craft, which was wonderful. We did have the popsicle sticks glued down already, since they wouldn't stay with gluesticks. There are many versions of this craft online, so we just did our take on it.

Extra Books:

The House That Zack Built

Time for Two’s Storytime

Opening: Big Books

Book: Huff and Puff

*I adore this story, and our craft today was the three little pigs! How could I not read this book, right? I've already got props made for it, which you can view from a previous post by clicking here. The two's were utterly quiet during this book, which is highly unusual. They seemed spellbound while I took the pig out of each house and put him into the next one! So precious!

Fingerplay/Flannel: Tool Hiding Game
Bruno needs his hammer lots and lots.
Is it hiding in the (say colour) toolbox?
Credit: Roving Fiddlehead Kidlit

Fingerplay: Five Little Dump Trucks
Five little dump trucks rolling down the road,
Five little dump trucks rolling down the road,
One pulls off to unload, then there are…
Four little dump trucks rolling down the road,
Four little dump trucks rolling down the road,
One pulls off to unload, then there are…
(Repeat with three, two, one…until there are none)

Book: Moving Blocks by Yonezu
*Normally the two's adore guessing books like this one. Today they were so energetic that by this book they were just ready to go! When I Did reveal what each block turned into, they were very happy to tell me what it was and for us to act like that vehicle.

I have 5 little hammers to give away.
Who wants to help me build today?
Here’s a tool to help me!  Hooray!
*The two's love seeing puppets and today we gave each puppet a hammer to help us build! By the last hammer a few enthusiastic two's wanted the hammer themselves. Thankfully this was the last thing we did, so I showed them their craft which they were very excited to build a house for the pigs.

Our craft today was the three little pigs! We got so many happy compliments from parents on our craft, which was wonderful. We did have the popsicle sticks glued down already, since they wouldn't stay with gluesticks. There are many versions of this craft online, so we just did our take on it.