Friday, March 1, 2019

Happy Birthday, Dr. Suess! (Preschool and Two's)

Preschool Storytime:

Opening: Big Books

Action: Real vs. Silly Cake Ingredient Sort
*I was so excited to do this activity for the preschoolers! I used a cute little flannel oven I had, and brought real flour and sugar to sprinkle into my bowl. Then I put my "dough" into my flannel oven and pulled out my birthday cake! Usually when I do something like this the preschoolers are so happy, but for whatever reason they weren't as thrilled this time. But that's okay, it's still such a cute idea to use silly ingredients!

Book: Wolf’s Coming (Special guest doing ASL)
*This is my go-to book for a birthday or pizza storytime. I was afriad the preschoolers would be tired of this book, but thankfully they still loved it!

Fingerplay/Flannel: Cat in the Hat
*For this wonderful idea, I put up Cat in the Hat, but without his hat.  Then I asked the preschoolers to help me find his hat! Of course, I put up many things that aren't correct, until I find the one that fits just right!  I couldn't link the website, because it isn't secure, but I'm sure you can find it!
Credit: Storytime Thoughts

Book: Hop on Pop (Read two pages where we jump up and down)
*I am trying to add more elements from my recent storytime training, and this presented the perfect opportunity. I made a "stop" and "go" sign. Before I read the two pages out of our book, I held up the two signs and asked the preschoolers if they could tell me what my signs said. Quite a few of them could tell me, which was great! After that, I pointed to each letter and we all said the letters of each word together. Then I told them that I would hold up the go sign and we would all jump! When I held up the stop sign, that would me stop! We ended up doing this three times before we stopped.

Book: Pete the Cat and the Missing Cupcakes

*I have to read my favorite book about cupcakes this time of year and Pete the Cat is the best!  For this book, I have ten cupcakes set up behind me on the puppet stage.  As I'm reading, my volunteer will pull the cupcakes down behind me, much to the preschoolers delight!

Book: The Mixed-Up Truck
*I am so happy that I used this book with props! I decided to bring actual flour with me, to show the preschoolers what the mixed-up truck was using. I took some of the flour, put it in the palm of my hand and blew on it so that it would fly through the air. In no way did I expect the reaction of the preschoolers! They begged me to do it over and over! Next time I will bring powdered sugar, just because it's easier to handle. The best part of this book was the ending. Why? Because the adorable truck causes bubbles to happen! Of course, I had to do this too! We have to fabulous hand-held bubble machines, that run on batteries. You literally just fill them with solution, turn them on, and instantly bubbles will come pouring out of them. On two tables I had both machines prepped and ready to go, but I covered them up so that none of the preschoolers would know about them. All I told them was that there would be a surprise at the end of the book. When I showed the page of the book where mixed-up truck created bubbles, my volunteer and I turned on the bubble machines. POOF! Bubbles went flying everywhere and the preschoolers loved it! I was afraid instant chaos would have ensued, but everyone was very courteous to each other. I think the biggest factor in this was because we had two machines. I don't break out the bubbles very often, but they are beneficial. Kids of all ages can get a lot out of bubbles because they help develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

Today we played games! Click here to check out what all we did.

Our craft today was a birthday cake! I don't know why, but the preschoolers love making any craft that has to do with food.

I never pass up an opportunity to dress up for the preschoolers, so today I had to be the Cat in the Hat!

Extra Read-Alouds:

Time for Two’s Storytime:

Opening: Big Books

Fingerplay: If You Want to Hear a Story

Book: Pete the cat and the Missing Cupcakes

Fingerplay/Flannel: Cat Guessing Game
Cat in the hat, all white and black?  Behind which colored hat are you at?

Book: Hop on Pop (Read two pages where we jump up and down)
*I am trying to add more elements from my recent storytime training, and this presented the perfect opportunity. I made a "stop" and "go" sign. Before I read the two pages out of our book, I held up the two signs and asked the two's if they could tell me what my signs said. A few of them could tell me, which was really good! After that, I pointed to each letter and we all said the letters of each word together. Then I told them that I would hold up the go sign and we would all jump! When I held up the stop sign, that would me stop! We ended up doing this three times before we stopped

Book: Where Is Baby’s Birthday Cake?

Fingerplay: Five Little Cupcakes in the Bakery Shop
Down around the corner at the bakery shop
Were five yummy cupcakes with sprinkles on top
Along came ________ with a dollar to pay
He/she bought a cupcake,  and took it away!

Today we played games! Normally the two's stick around and play games, but for whatever reason many of them left. But you can still check out what all we did here.

Extra Read-Alouds:

Our craft today was a birthday cake! I don't know why, but the preschoolers love making any craft that has to do with food.

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