Monday, April 1, 2019

Splish, Splash, Spring! (Preschool Only)

Preschool Storytime:

Opening: Big Books

Book: Ducks Away!
*Today we had our volunteer doing ASL while I read this book. The best part? When he made duck noises! While I read, my volunteer propped up five ducks behind me. This way, the ducks could jump into the water as I was reading.

Fingerplay: “Little Duck, Little Duck”
Little duck, little duck, jump up and down.
Little duck, little duck, don’t make a sound.
Little duck, little duck, tip-toe to me.
Little duck, little duck, slap your knees. (or bend your knees.)
Little duck, little duck, jump up and down.
Little duck, little duck, turn around
Little duck, little duck,sit back down.

Book: Move Over, Rover!
*I love using all the puppets that go along with this book, and my favorite thing to do is put them inside my doghouse! The best part is when they all go flying out of the doghouse at the very end! So much fun!

Flannel: Little Cloud Hiding Game

Book:  Ants Go Marching
*The preschoolers liked this but not near as much as I had hoped. I think it was just too much with the music playing, me holding up the book, and having little props (ants) pop up behind me.  Next time, I won't show the book, instead I'll just do music and props. The preschoolers did love doing all the actions and being sprayed by water!

Fingerplay: “Five Beautiful Flowers”  (Feed flowers to five puppets)
       Five beautiful flowers just outside my door,
       {Monkey} came and picked a flower and now there are four.
       Four beautiful flowers, two and two you see.
       {Alligator} came and picked a flower and now there are three.
       Three beautiful flowers, but before I knew,
       {Frog} came and picked a flower and now there are two.
       Two beautiful flowers in the noonday sun.
       {Elephant} came and picked a flower and now there’s just one.
       One beautiful flower standing all alone,
       {Alligator} came and picked the last one and now there are none.

The craft for storytime was the letter D for Duck!
*I apologize, I forgot to take a picture of our craft, but you can check out where we found it above.

Extra Read Alouds:

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