Friday, July 12, 2019

Reach for the Stars! (Preschool SRP)

Preschool Storytime:

Opening: Big Books

Book: Elephants Cannot Dance!
*This is my favorite book to read for a dancing storytime. Why? Because I read the part of Elephant and I wear my tutu and get to be silly! My volunteer reads Piggie and all the preschoolers follow Piggie's dance moves. Do I do everything right? Of course not! That's the best part! The preschoolers really got involved in this book and followed along so well, the loved it!

Fingerplay: Five Ballet Dancers
Five ballet dancers
Prancing on their toes
They twirl and spin and jump
Then off the stage one goes.
4 ballet dancers…
3 ballet dancers…
2 ballet dancers…
One ballet dancer
Prancing on his/her toes
She twirls and spins and jumps
Then off the stage s/he goes.
No more dancers!  The performance is over.
And what do we do at the end of a performance?
We applaud!  (clap)

Book: Say Zoop!
*I've never used this book in storytime before, but I adore using the other books by this author in storytime. I didn't read aloud every page, but I read the majority of the book. The preschoolers really liked getting to do all the actions along with me. We gave our fingers a real workout!

Fingerplay/Flannel: Little Moon Hiding Game

Action: Scarf Dancing (Silly Dance Contest and Freeze Dance)

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