Tuesday, November 26, 2019

November Sensory Games

For November I only did sensory games with the preschoolers.  This worked out really well, because I feel like the two's don't seem to enjoy the games as much as the older ages do.

1.) Sandwich Word Matching
Credit: In My World
I was really excited to have the kids match the words and build a sandwich.  I don't know if it was due to the low number of kids, but this was the least favorite game.  I will definitely give this one another try, because its just too cute not too!

2.) Apple Seed Counting
Credit: In My World
I was very hesitant but also extremely enthusiastic about this game.  I had apples laid out on the chairs, and the clothespins with seeds hot-glued onto the ends.  The preschoolers came up and got to clip the seeds onto the apples.  I only had one little girl that didn't understand the concept of the clothespin, but it didn't take her long to figure it out!  This is such a great fine motor skill for them, pinching the clothespin and then clipping it to an item.  I have plans to do this game again!

3.) Bear Putt-Putt
I usually do either bowling or putt-putt each month and this month we had bear stories.  So, I decided to let us have some fun with bear!

4.) Turkey Sponge Ball
The kids love putting sponge balls through my box!  This month they got to match the ball to the correct feather on the turkey.  Very easy to do and the sponge balls are a great texture for them to feel and grip.

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