Thursday, December 12, 2019

P is for Parade of Penguins (Preschool and Two's)

Preschool Storytime:

Opening: Big Books

Action: Mitten Match-Up
*For this I hold up different mittens and have the kids tell me what’s wrong until I get the correct pair. The kids love doing this!

Book: Little Penguin Stays Awake

Fingerplay/Flannel: Make a Snowman
*For this, I made a snowman, and placed him on my flannel, but he didn't have any arms or a hat.  I asked the kids what he needed, and of course they told me! When they said hat, I would place a cowboy hat on him.  Thankfully they told me that was wrong, so I replaced it with a pink hat, which they told me was wrong. Lastly I put up the right hat, a black top hat.  I repeated this with the snowman's arms. The kids always love telling me what I've done wrong, and this was no exception.

Book: One Very Big Bear
*This is the first time I've read this book in storytime, and the preschoolers did really well counting along. The next time I read this I plan on having a flannel made to go along with the book.

Fingerplay/Puppets: “There’s Something in the Snow”
    There’s something in the snow, now what can it be?
    There’s something in the snow that I can’t really see.
    Hear it’s funny sound…OINK OINK
    A pig is what I found!
    Contiunue with: Neigh, neigh, a horse is what I found.
                    Moo, moo, a cow is what I found.
                    Baa, baa, a sheep is what I found.
*This is my favorite fingerplay to do during the winter, and the kids loved it!   This time I played the sounds through an app on my tablet. I found this fabulous idea here.

Our craft is a peek-a-boo penguin inside his igloo!

Extra Books:

Time for Two’s Storytime:

Opening: Big Books

Book: Five Flying Penguins (Have penguins up on puppet stage)
Five Flying Penguins by [McGrath, Barbara Barbieri]

Fingerplay/Flannel: Snowman Hats
*Different hats have actions to go along with it

Fingerplay/Flannel:Mitten Hiding Game

Board Book: Peekaboo! In the Snow

Fingerplay/Puppets: “There’s Something in the Snow” (Use sounds on tablet)
    There’s something in the snow, now what can it be?
    There’s something in the snow that I can’t really see.
    Hear it’s funny sound…OINK OINK
    A pig is what I found!
    Contiunue with: Neigh, neigh, a horse is what I found.
                    Moo, moo, a cow is what I found.
                    Baa, baa, a sheep is what I found.
*This is my favorite fingerplay to do during the winter, and the kids loved it!   I have animal sounds on my tablet, so I decided to use them, but I didn't tell the two's. Their reactions were absolutely priceless!!! I found this fabulous idea here.

*The two's did the same craft as the preschoolers, which is pictured above.

Fingerplay/Flannel: Five Little Reindeer Jumping on the Bed
(Or five little snowmen)

Book: Baby Loves Winter

Action: Snowman Dancing
*Give out snowman in hanging bag on cart and dance around with to end storytime

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