Thursday, June 25, 2020

Cooked-Up Tales (SRP Virtual)

Opening: Big Books

Book: Straw

Action: Feeding Puppets
*For this I have different kinds of food on my flannelboard and I ask the kids what each animal would like to eat.  Ex. Bear-Honey, Mouse-Cheese, Elephant-Peanuts, Cow-Grass, Cat-Milk, Pig-Apple

Book: Don't Feed the Coos!

Action: Jello on the Plate (Use Scarves)
*Tune of Farmer in the Dell
Jello on the plate, jello on the plate.
Wibble, wobble; Wibble, wobble.
Jello on the plate.
Cookies in the tin, cookies in the tin,
Shake them up, shake them up.
Cookies in the tin.
Candles on the cake, candles on the cake.
Blow them out, blow them out.
Candles on the cake.

Action: Scarf Dancing
Toast in the toaster, getting very hot!
Tick-tock, tick-tock,
Up you pop!

*I do not have a picture of the craft, but below is what it looked like.

 Extra Books:

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