Friday, August 27, 2021

Dog Loves Fairy Tales

 Storytime 1:

Opening: If You Want to Hear a Story

Book: Will You Help Doug Find His Dog?

Hiding Game: Dog and Doghouses
*For this I made three different colored doghouses, pretty large, with doors that open up to reveal what's inside.  I hid something inside each doghouse for the kids to find, they love doing this!

Book: Pig the Stinker

Fingerplay: If You're a Dog and You Know It
If you're a dog and you know it, say WOOF WOOF!
If you're a dog and you know it and your face will surely show it.
If you're a dog and you know it, say WOOF WOOF!
*Run around, Jump in place.

Book: This Book Just Ate My Dog!

 Storytime 2:

Opening: If You Want to Hear a Story

Book: Tow Truck Joe Makes a Splash

Fingerplay: If You're a Dog and You Know It
If you're a dog and you know it, say WOOF WOOF!
If you're a dog and you know it and your face will surely show it.
If you're a dog and you know it, say WOOF WOOF!
*Run around, Jump in place.

Book: Bad Dog

Scarf Dancing: Kitty Cat POUNCE!
(Roll up your scarf slowly while you say the words.  Then toss it high in the air on POUNCE!)
Kitty cat, kitty cat sneaks out of the house.
Kitty cat, kitty cat creeps up to a mouse.
Kitty cat, kitty cat creeps up to a bird.
Kitty cat, kitty cat is not even heard.
But the mouse ran away and the bird flew away.
So kitty cat found a ball of yarn to play.

Book: Hickory Dickory Dog

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