Monday, January 23, 2023

Favorites Storytime

 January 3 and 5: Favorites

Opening: If You Want to Hear a Story

Book: Hey, Who Made This Mess?

Hiding Game: Dog Hiding in Doghouse

Action: Food
For this I have different food items up on my flannelboard, some that are silly too!  I have a volunteer (my precious mom) who will have a puppet pop up and I ask the kids what I should feed my friend!

Book: The Button Book

Fingerplay: Ten Little Kittens
Ten little kittens standing in a row 
They bow their heads to the children just so 
They run to the left, they run to the right 
They stretch up tall with all their might. 
They run high and low.  Fast and slow.
Along comes a dog, looking for some fun. 
"Meow!" Away those kittens run!

Action: Animal Movement Cards

Book: Ducks Run Amok!

Scarf Dancing:

Five little kitty cats, sleeping on the floor.

One pounced away and now there are four! 

(Ball up scarf and throw when you say pounce each time.)

Four little kitty cats, cute as can be.

One pounced away and now there are three!

Three little kitty cats, wondering what to do.

One pounced away and now there are two!

Two little kitty cats, laying in the sun.

One pounced away and now there is one!

One little kitty cat got up to stretch and yawn. 

I looked away and now he’s gone! (Put scarf behind your back.)

(Roll up a scarf slowly while you say the words, then toss it 
high in the air on "POUNCE")
Kitty cat, kitty cat sneaks out of the house.
Kitty cat, kitty cat, creeps up to a mouse,
Kitty cat, kitty cat, creeps up to a bird.
Kitty cat, kitty cat, is not even heard.
But the mouse ran away, and the bird flew away,
So kitty cat found a ball of yarn to play.

Closing: Goodbye Song


Opening: If You Want to Hear a Story

Book: Don't Wake the Dragon!

Hiding Game: Find Dog in Doghouse

I’m bringing home a baby bumblebee,
Won’t my mommy be so proud of me?
I’m bringing home a baby bumblebee,

I’m bringing home a baby dinosaur,
Won’t my mommy hide behind the door?
I’m bringing home a baby dinosaur,

I’m bringing home a baby crocodile,
Won’t my mommy wear a great big smile,
I’m bringing home a baby crocodile,

Board Book: Splish, Splash!

Ten little kittens standing in a row 
They bow their heads to the children just so 
They run to the left, they run to the right 
They stretch up tall with all their might. 
They run high and low.  Fast and slow.
Along comes a dog, looking for some fun. 
"Meow!" Away those kittens run!

Action: Food
For this I have different food items up on my flannelboard, some that are silly too!  I have a volunteer (my precious mom) who will have a puppet pop up and I ask the kids what I should feed my friend!

Book: If You're Happy and You Know It!

Scarf Dancing:
(Roll up a scarf slowly while you say the words, then toss it 
high in the air on "POUNCE")

Kitty cat, kitty cat sneaks out of the house.

Kitty cat, kitty cat, creeps up to a mouse,


Kitty cat, kitty cat, creeps up to a bird.

Kitty cat, kitty cat, is not even heard.


But the mouse ran away, and the bird flew away,

So kitty cat found a ball of yarn to play.


Closing: Goodbye Song


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