Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Dog and Cat Tales (Preschool)

Preschool Storytime
"Dog and Cat Tales"

*I was on vacation for the following storytime, but co-workers presented them for me.  

Opening Fingerplay: Big Books

Book: "Max the Brave" (With puppets)

*This book is a really cute read about an adorable cat named Max who is on the hunt for a mouse.  I am very excited, because there is a second book coming out turning it into a series!

Fingerplay/Flannel: "Two Bones" 
   I have two bones to give away, what dog shall I feed today?
   I think I"ll feed my...snake?  No, no, no...let me try again.
*I use a couple of different puppets until I finally get the dog.  The kids love     that the wrong animal pops up.  I don't have any idea where I got this adorable rhyme from.

Book: "This Book Just Ate My Dog!"

*This book is so much fun to read aloud to kids.  Everything inside the book ends up getting eaten by..the book!

Fingerplay/Flannel: "Doggy, Doggy, Where's Your Bone?"
   Doggy, doggy, where's your bone?  Someone took it from your home!
   It wasn't me, it wasn't you!  It must have been someone from the zoo!
*Click here to visit the website that references this great fingerplay.

Book: "Is There a Dog In This Book?"

*As you can tell on the cover, the cats are apprehensive of the cute little doggie in this book.  You will go on an adventure by lifting the flaps and finding not only the cats but also the dog hiding out all through this great book.

Fingerplay: "Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat"
  Kitty cat, kitty cat, turn around.
  Kitty cat, kitty cat, sit on the ground.
  Kitty cat, kitty cat, say meow.
  Kitty cat, kitty cat, take a bow.
  Kitty cat, kitty cat, chase your tail. (turn around)
  Kitty cat, kitty cat, into your bed creep.
  Kitty cat, kitty cat, go to sleep.

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