Monday, October 10, 2016

P is for Pizza (Two's)

“P is for Pizza”
Time for Two’s

Opening: Big Books

Fingerplay: “If You Want to Hear a Story”

Board Book: “Grandpa and Me”

*The kids liked this book, but not as much as I thought they would. It's a really cute lift-the-flap book. As you go along, you find everything you need to bake a pizza. At the end of the book, you lift a flap to pull your pizza out of the oven. I had a pizza pillow hidden behind my flannelboard. I told the kids my pizza was ready, put on my potholder, and pulled out my pizza. The expressions on their faces were adorable!

Fingerplay: “If You Love Spaghetti”
       If you love spaghetti, smack your lips.
       If you love hamburgers, shake your hips.
       If you love ice cream, touch your toes.
       If you love applesauce, touch your nose.
       If you love zucchini, wiggle around.
      If you love bananas, touch the ground.
       If you love spinach, jump up high.
       If you love pizza, touch the sky.
       If you love apples, stand up tall.
       Now shout the food that you love best of all. (PIZZA!)
*This website has such great food fingerplays, many more beside the one above.

Fingerplay/Flannel: “Hand-Me-Down Food”
Five leftover pizza pieces from the night before.
{Puppet} came and ate one, GULP! Then there were four.
Four leftover pizza pieces, one with anchovies.
{Puppet} came and ate one, GULP! Then there were three.
Three leftover pizza pieces, cheese like sticky glue.
{Puppet} came and ate one, GULP! Then there were two.
Two leftover pizza pieces, waiting for someone.
{Puppet} came and ate one, GULP! Then there was one.
One leftover pizza piece But I don’t want to be a hog.
So I went and got it, And split it with the dog. Arf!
*The kids went crazy over this fingerplay! Anytime I get the chance to feed our puppets food, I always do it.

Book: “The Lady with the Alligator Purse”

*This is a really cute book, but I ran out of time and didn't get to read it.

Fingerplay: “Pizza Man, Pizza Man”
      Pizza man, pizza man, turn around.
      Pizza man, pizza man, touch the ground.
      Pizza man, pizza man, find your nose.
      Pizza man, pizza man, touch your toes.
      Pizza man, pizza man, touch the sky.  
      Pizza man, pizza man, wave goodbye.
      Pizza man, pizza man, slap your knees.     
      Pizza man, pizza man, sit down please.     
      Pizza man, pizza man, shake your head.
      Pizza man, pizza man, go to bed.

Book: “Hi, Pizza Man!”

*My all time favorite pizza book ever! We used puppets to go along with the book, and the kids really enjoyed it.

Flannel: “Make Pizza”
*We didn't have time for this, but I printed out some great pizza flannels online, along with the toppings. Then I will hand out the toppings and tell the kids it's time to make a pizza!

*I ended the storytime by turning everyone into a pizza! I love doing this, and anytime I can sneak it into a storytime, I do. This is based off the book "Pete's a Pizza". I have paper toppings already prepared ahead of time, and tell the kids to lie down if the prefer and they are the dough. Then I take flour or baby powder and place it in my hand and blow on it to sprinkle them. Sometimes I will spray water into the air and spray oil on them. Next, the toppings! Red paper circles for pepperoni, brown mushrooms, etc. For the two's, I told them to shake really hard and viola! They were pizzas! They loved it and I highly recommend doing this whenever you have the chance!

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