Thursday, October 27, 2016

Pumpkin Party (Ages 4-10)

Once a year we throw a big Pumpkin Party at my library.  I am so excited to say that we had a great turnout this year!  We had 85 kids and 45 adults making a grand total of 130 people!  Yeah!  We like to call our party pumpkin party instead of Halloween so that those who don't celebrate Halloween can feel more comfortable attending.  I have included a picture of our crafts below, along with links to the websites we based them off of.  


We also had one family size bag of plain chips and a brain jello mold with gummy worms.  For drinks we served orange soda and sprites.  

 For this craft, the kids glued black torn paper onto the plate.  Then they added the ears, eyes and whiskers.

Here is the website where I found the craft.

For this craft, the kids glued green torn paper onto the plate.  Then they added the ears, mouth and hair.

Here is the website where I found the craft.
For this craft, the kids glued white paper onto the black circle.  Then they added the eyes and mouth.

Here is the website where I found the craft.
For this craft, the kids glued everything onto the bag.  Then they added foamies and ghosts.  

I couldn't find the specific website where I found the pattern for this.

For this craft, the kids glued everything you see.  The clothes, face, cape, etc.

Here is the website where I found the craft.

For this craft, the kids weaved yarn through holes punched in the paper plates.  After that they glued on spiders.  I didn't expect them to enjoy this so much, but they loved weaving!

Here is the website where I found the craft.

This was a pre-made kit.

The favorite game of the night was musical tombstones.  You play just like musical chairs.  We lucked out and found these chair covers at the Dollar store a couple of years ago.

*Halloween bingo was the second most popular game, and I used a free download this year for our cards.  Check it out by clicking here!

*Our third game was pumpkin beanbag toss.  For this we took a huge box, and cut out a jack-o-lantern face.  Then we let the kids have fun tossing beanbags into it.

This year I dressed up as Little Red Riding Hood, so much fun!

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