Wednesday, November 30, 2016

C is for Cookie (Preschool)

Opening: Big Books

Book: Who Stole the Cookies from the Cookie Jar?
*The kids really seemed to enjoy seeing the puppets jump up and snatch the cookies from me. I have my ten cookies inside a flannel cookie jar, and I take them out one by one and feed the puppets as I read along.

Fingerplay/Flannel: Five Little Gingerbread Jumping on the Bed
*The kids loved this fingerplay! Instead of jumping up and down like monkeys, we were gingerbread men today. After the second line everybody caught onto what we were singing and it was a big success.

Book: Cow Loves Cookies
*I love this book, but we ran out of time to read it today.

Fingerplay/Flannel: “Which House?”
   Gingerbread man, quiet as a house.
   Where are you hiding, behind which house?
*The kids always enjoy hunting for something, and today we found our gingerbread man hiding behind a gingerbread house.

Book: Cookie’s Week
*The kids went crazy during this book, and it was because I was throwing things out for them to grab. Let me this book, the adorable cat Cookie gets into all kinds of mischief. For example, on Monday, Cookie fell in the toilet, and water went everywhere! The kids found this hilarious! What I did was have paper cutouts representing all the things that happened to Cookie. After I read the lines and showed the pictures, then I threw out the things in the book. For the water, I had little blue raindrops that "rained" down upon the kids. Tuesday, Cookie knocks over a plant and dirt flies everywhere. For that, I had little brown circles of paper representing dirt, and the dirt flew down onto the kids. As usual, they went wild wanting more and more things to "fall" down upon them.

Action: Cookie Dancing & Feed Cookie Monster
*We ran out of time to feed cookie monster, but check it out here.

Today we had two special guests visit us, two dancers from the local ballet who are performing in “The Nutcracker”. They performed a short dance and then the ballet dancer read the picture book "The Nutcracker" for the kids.

For our craft, the kids got to make their own cookie baker. Here is where we found the craft, and below is what our craft looked like.

Extra Read-Alouds:
CATCH That Cookie!
If You Take a Mouse to the Movies
Who took the COOKIES From the Cookie Jar?

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