Thursday, December 1, 2016

C is for Cookie (Two's)

Opening: Big Books

Fingerplay: If You Want to Hear a Story

Book: Who Ate All the Cookie Dough?
*The kids really enjoyed this book, and adding puppets to it helped a lot.

Fingerplay/Flannel: Five Little Gingerbread Jumping on the Bed
*As usual, everybody enjoyed getting the chance to jump up and down!

Fingerplay/Flannel: “Five Little Cookies”
   Five little cookies, with frosting galore
   ALLIGATOR ate the PURPLE one, then there were four.   
Four little cookies, two and two you see,
   MONKEY ate the GREEN one, and that left three.
   Three little cookies, but before I knew,
   DUCK ate the BLUE one, and that left two.
   Two little cookies, oh what fun!
   SNAKE ate the ORANGE one,
   Then there was one.
   One little cookie, watch me run!
   I ate the RED one, then there was none.
*The kids always enjoy getting to see puppets, and today we fed them cookies!

Book: Cookie’s Week
*The kids loved having things fall out on them, but they didn't enjoy this book as much as I thought they would. Let me this book, the adorable cat Cookie gets into all kinds of mischief. For example, on Monday, Cookie fell in the toilet, and water went everywhere! What I did was have paper cutouts representing all the things that happened to Cookie. After I read the lines and showed the pictures, then I threw out the things in the book. For the water, I had little blue raindrops that "rained" down upon the kids. Tuesday, Cookie knocks over a plant and dirt flies everywhere. For that, I had little brown circles of paper representing dirt, and the dirt flew down onto the kids.

Action: Cookie Dancing & Feed Cookie Monster
*We ran out of time today to feed cookie monster, but check it out here.

Extra Read-Alouds:
How Do Dinosaurs Eat Cookies?
Who Took the Cookie From the Cookie Jar?

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