Thursday, March 2, 2017

Animal Countdown Games

This month our games were centered around animals and counting.  Below are what we played!  

1.) Animal Matching
The first game was so much fun!  We taped down one set of animals, and hid the others inside some shredded paper we got at the dollar store.  The kids did great in matching the numbers together.  I found this adorable set of animals here.

2.) Caterpillar Matching

For the second game, we taped down two sets of caterpillars.  The kids then matched the right numbered circle to each caterpillar.  I apologize, but the link to the website where I found this adorable idea isn't working.  I included a pic of what ours looked like.

3.) Shadow Matching
I've never done a shadow matching game before with the kids, and they did awesome with it!  I plan on doing more shadow matching games with them, now that I know they enjoy it.  I found this by searching for animal shadow matching.  

4.) Feed the Penguins
This game was so much fun to make!  Plus, I adore penguins so that didn't hurt anything either.  I ended up taking old boxes I was going to recycle, and turning them into penguins.  Then all I needed was numbered fish for the kids to match up to the correct penguin.  I am looking forward to using the penguins again, and changing out the numbers with letters so that it can still be educational and fun at the same time.  I found the idea for feeding the little penguins here.  

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