Friday, November 3, 2017

I is for I Spy (Two's and Preschool)

Unfortunately, I was sick to present this two's storytime, but my wonderful co-worker stepped in for me!  Below is what I had planned out, thank goodness for planning ahead!

Time for Two's Storytime:

Opening: Big Books

Song: If You Want to Hear a Story

Book: My First Peek-a-Boo Animals 
*I was really excited to use this book, plus it's from Eric Carle, which always makes it a winner in my book!  After I read a page, I planned on having the puppet pop up behind me.

Fingerplay/Flannel: Hunting Game 
To change up what he hunt, we looked for a little duck behind the barns.  Also, there were other items hidden behind the barns, for a little added surprise.

Fingerplay/Action: I see something that is green..
         I see something that is green.  Do you see it too?
         I see something that is green.
         HOP there if you do.
         With a hop, hop here.
         And a hop, hop, there.
         Here a hop, there a hop.
         Everywhere a hop, hop.
         I see something that is green.  Do you see it too?
         (Have puppets pop up: snake and alligator.)
*This is a great fingerplay to get the kids up and moving.  I have no idea where I found it, so if it's your idea, please let me know so that I can give you credit!

Book: I Spy on the Farm 

Fingerplay/Flannel: “I spy with my little eye… 
…an animal who’s big, brown and furry and who loves honey (bear).
…an animal who’s long and green and slithers on his stomach (snake).
…an animal who’s white and who has long ears, and loves carrots (rabbit).
*The two's are crazy over puppets, so after I read a line I like to feed them food!  It's not only a fun way to help teach the kids what animal they are seeing, but also to help teach them what animals eat.  I place the food on my flannelboard and have the kids tell me what food to feed each animal.

Fingerplay: Animal Action Cards

Book: Meet My Feet!

Our craft today was a cute little cat!  I tried to give credit for this, which I found online, but I couldn't find the website to link this to.  Below is what our cats looked like.

Extra Books:

Preschool Storytime:

*We had very low attendance...bad weather could have been factor?  A lot of kids might have been sick too, possibly. We had 12 kids and 12 adults. But I have to say, once the kids got settle in, they all seemd to have a great time!

Opening: Big Books

Book: What Does the Bee See?
*I love using this book, and most of the kids figured out right away what the bee was seeing. But they all still enjoyed guessing along with me!

Fingerplay/Action: I see something that is green..
I see something that is green.  Do you see it too?
      I see something that is green.
      HOP there if you do.
      With a hop, hop here.
      And a hop, hop, there.
      Here a hop, there a hop.
      Everywhere a hop, hop.
      I see something that is green.  Do you see it too?
    *The kids love jumping up and down, and when the alligator and frog popped up behind me, just an added bonus! I have no idea where I found it, so if it's your idea, please let me know so that I can give you credit!

Book: What Am I? By N.N. Charles
*This is a really fun guessing book, and the kids enjoyed it.

Fingerplay/Flannel: Hunting Game
To change up what he hunt, we looked for a little duck behind the barns.  Also, there were other items hidden behind the barns, for a little added surprise.  The preschoolers

Book: What Am I? By Trapani
Image result for what am i trapani
*The kids loved guessing and having the animal pop up behind me!

Fingerplay/Flannel: “I spy with my little eye…
…an animal who’s big, brown and furry and who loves honey (bear).
…an animal who’s long and green and slithers on his stomach (snake).
…an animal who’s white and who has long ears, and loves carrots (rabbit).
…an animal who’s brown, likes to eat carrots and neighs (horse)

Our craft today was a cat! The preschoolers did a wonderful job!

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