Thursday, November 30, 2017

November Games and Sensory Bins

This month our games were centered around autumn and Thanksgiving!

1.) Cornucopia Word Matching
I was worried the kids would have trouble doing this, but they were excellent at it!  Secondly, I was hesitant to use feathers to hide the words in, but no problems there either!  All the kids loved the texture of the feathers.  Only the preschoolers did this sensory game.
Credit: In My World

2.) Turkey Feather Matching
This was another fun matching game, and I hid the feathers in leaves.  The two's and preschoolers did a great job in matching the feathers!

Credit: In My World

3.) Scarecrow Knockdown
For this game, I just took empty boxes and covered them.  This scarecrow I bought years ago at a dollar store.  I took him apart and taped him to the boxes.  That's all it takes!  Your game is ready for the kids to stack and knock over again and again.

4.) Pumpkin Soup Dipping
I didn't take a picture of this, but it's simple to do.  I took two of our plastic cauldrons and filled them with water.  Then I dumped some foam gourds, pumpkins and acorns into them.  I laid out some slotted spoons and bowls.  I put a plastic tablecloth underneath all this to help with the cleanup.  The preschoolers loved this, but only a few of the two's came over to play with it this year.

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