Friday, June 22, 2018

Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons (Preschool and Two's SRP)

Off-Site Two's Storytime:
*I have been going to a preschool off-site this summer, and it's been so much fun!  This week I only had the two's class, but they were very excited to have storytime!  Below is a short plan of what I did.

Opening: Big Books

Book: Don't Push the Button!
Fingerplay/Flannel: Five Ballet Dancers
Book: Press Here
Fingerplay/Flannel: Button Hiding Game  
Fingerplay/Flannel: Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed

Preschool Storytime:

Opening: Big Books

Book: Don’t Push the Button!

*I read this book often, and I was afraid the preschoolers would tired of it. But thankfully they are still
loving this book! The preschool group wanted me to read the book again, which always makes you
feel good!

Fingerplay/Flannel: Five Ballet Dancers
Five ballet dancers
Prancing on their toes
They twirl and spin and jump
Then off the stage one goes.
4 ballet dancers…3 ballet dancers…2 ballet dancers…
One ballet dancer
Prancing on his/her toes
S/He twirls and spins and jumps
Then off the stage s/he goes.
No more dancers!  The performance is over.
And what do we do at the end of a performance?
We applaud!  (clap)
Credit: Jen in the Library

Book: 3 Little Firefighters

*For this book, I made three firefighter jackets, with removable buttons to go on them. The best
part of my flannel? One of the preschool groups asked me where the head and feet of the
firefighters were...LOL! Don't you love when that happens? You gotta roll with the punches! As
I read the book I would mismatch the buttons on the jacket, so that the preschoolers would get to
tell me what was wrong. They really got into this part and had a lot of fun!

Fingerplay/Flannel: Button Hiding Game  
Pete lost all his buttons! Where can they be?
Does Elmo have a button?
Let’s look & see!
Credit: One Little Librarian

*My co-worker found this wonderful song online, to go along with the book.  Trust me, once you hear this tune, you won't be able to get it out of your head!

Book: Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons

*I have a favorite thing I love to do with this book, and that is throw out paper buttons onto the kids!
As each button pops off Pete the cat's shirt, I take a button off the shirt I have up on my flannelboard.
Next I have small circles cut out of paper, that match each color of Pete's buttons. The kids go crazy
when I have items "rain" down upon their heads, and today they went bezerk!

Our craft today was sent home with the preschoolers, but this is what it looked like.

Extra Books:

Time for Two’s Storytime:

Opening: Big Books

Fingerplay: If You Want to Hear a Story

Book: Don't Push the Button!

*Everybody enjoyed making beeping sounds with me as we changed our monster inside this
interactive book!

Fingerplay/Flannel: Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed

Book: Press Here

*The group that visited got into this book a little
quicker than my normal crowd, but everyone still
seemed to enjoy this interactive book.
Fingerplay/Flannel: Button Hiding Game  
Pete lost all his buttons! Where can they be?
Does Elmo have a button?
Let’s look & see!
Credit: One Little Librarian

Fingerplay: Five Ballet Dancers
Five ballet dancers
Prancing on their toes
They twirl and spin and jump
Then off the stage one goes.
4 ballet dancers…
3 ballet dancers…
2 ballet dancers…
One ballet dancer
Prancing on his/her toes
She twirls and spins and jumps
Then off the stage s/he goes.
No more dancers!  The performance is over.
And what do we do at the end of a performance?
We applaud!  (clap)

Book: Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons

*I have a favorite thing I love to do with this book, and that is throw out paper buttons onto the kids!
As each button pops off Pete the cat's shirt, I take a button off the shirt I have up on my flannelboard.
Next I have small circles cut out of paper, that match each color of Pete's buttons. The kids go crazy

when I have items "rain" down upon their heads, and today they went bezerk!

*The two's made their own Pete the Cat!

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