Friday, October 26, 2018

Happy Halloween! (Two's and Preschool)

Time for Two’s Storytime:

Opening: Big Books

Fingerplay: “If You Want to Hear a Story”
Book: Little Blue Truck’s Halloween
*This is a classic book that I always use for the two's at Halloween, and just adore it! I really love using puppets with it, so that they can see the animals and help make all the noises too.

Fingerplay: Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed

Book: I Am Bat
*I decided to stick with the bat theme and go with a favorite bat book of mine. For this one, I have some cherries stuck up behind me on my puppet stage. I tell my two's to keep watch on my cherries and let me know if anyone take my cherries! It took a little bit for the two's to catch on that the puppets were sneaking up to take the cherries. It's a great book to use, but next time I believe I'll just use it with the older kids.

Fingerplay/Flannel: Little Bat, Little Bat
    Little bat, little bat, are you behind the _____ hat? (Use witch’s hat)
Credit: Jbrary

Action: Halloween Movement Cards

Fingerplay: It’s Halloween!
Over there I see a ghost!  My, oh my, a scary ghost!!
Mom says "No, it’s all OK.  That’s a costume! Take it away-
And you’ll see it’s your good friend sheep!
Out on Halloween night!

Today was our Halloween party, so we didn't have a craft. Instead, we had a party! Everyone brought food and the library provided juice. You can click here to see the games we played. I decided to dress up as a pirate, so that I wouldn't be too scary for the two's!

Preschool Storytime:

Opening: Big Books

Book: Ready, Steady, Ghost!
*This is the first time I've ever read this book before in storytime, and you could have heard a pin drop! The preschoolers were so engrossed in this book, it was precious!

Fingerplay/Flannel: Five Little Monsters Jumping on the Bed

Book: Just Say Boo!
*I love using this book because it helps teach the kids how to spell and read the word "boo".  Normally the preschoolers love shouting BOO at me.  But this time I think they were just too excited about Halloween and our party happening.  Still, I recommend using this book, it's a great read-aloud.

Fingerplay: Pete the Cat Guessing Game
‘Trick-or-treat, trick-or-treat.  Can I have something yummy to eat? …Please?’
When all of a sudden, from out from the shadows jumped a scary witch!
Was Pete scared?  Goodness no! That witch is just a cat you know.  So Pete kept walking.
‘Trick-or-treat, trick-or-treat.  Can I have something yummy to eat? …Please?’
When all of a sudden, from out from the shadows jumped a monster!
Was Pete scared?  Goodness no! That monster is just a cat you know.  So Pete kept walking.
‘Trick-or-treat, trick-or-treat.  Can I have something yummy to eat? …Please?’
When all of a sudden, from out from the shadows jumped a mummy!
Was Pete scared?  Goodness no! That mummy is just a cat you know.  So Pete kept walking.
‘Trick-or-treat, trick-or-treat.  Can I have something yummy to eat? …Please?’
When all of a sudden, from out from the shadows jumped a ghost!
Was Pete scared?  Well… maybe a little.  But, Pete, he knew just what to do.  
He looked at that ghost and he said:  BOOOOOO  and Happy Halloween!
*I was so excited to use this precious flannel! I made all of my cats, just like the website showed, but I think the preschoolers were just too wound up by this point to pay much attention. It's such a boo-tastic idea, I love it!
Credit: Miss Sarah Storytime

Today was our Halloween party, so we didn't have a craft. Instead, we had a party! Everyone brought food and the library provided juice. You can click here to see the games we played.

Extra Read-Alouds:

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