Saturday, November 3, 2018

Pumpkin Party 2018

Every year we have our annual pumpkin party, and this year I was very hopeful that we would have a good turnout.  Well, did we ever!  We had a total of 180 people!!! Yowza!  115 kids and 65 adults!  Now, this wasn't all at once, everyone came and went at different times, but I am so thrilled!  I will be planning very soon for next year, I am so excited!!! 

All of the crafts and food were completely wiped out.  So we are going to plan for extra crafts for next year.  Who knows what our turnout will be, but last year our total was only 100, so we are hoping that we will just continue to rise in our attendance!


Credit:I apologize, the link for this didn't work.

*I had a sign for the Cheetoh balls, saying ghost poop, but I ran out of space to put it out!

*These are sugar wafers, covered with icing.  We only decorated a pack, but next year two packs will definitely need to be done!
Credit: Shaken Together

*This is such an easy food item to make, the hard part is finding the brain mold!  

*We also had brownies that we turned into bats and ghosts brownies that were marshmallows on top.


Credit: Kids Love Crafts Blogspot

Credit: Classroom Creative

Credit: Classroom Creative

Credit:I apologize, the website for this isn't secure.

Credit: There isn't a website for this craft, just a picture.  Unfortunately, I can't give credit for where I found it.

Credit: Oriental Trading


*Musical tombstones.  I was very lucky to find these fabric chair covers on vacation one year.  The kids go crazy over this game!  It's just like musical chairs, and whomever wins will get a prize!

*Halloween Bingo
Credit: Crazy Little Projects

*The other game we played was pumpkin putt-putt.  We always have books for prizes, and this year I tried to have some of the popular book series out, which helped a lot!  Of course, I had little stretchy skeletons, bouncy eyeballs and other fun items for prizes.  These went very quickly.  I do have to say, the books went out surprisingly well!  I would like to try and get some local donations for next year.  I'd love to hear some comments about what you might do for prizes.  Please, leave feedback!


This year I was Cleopatra!

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