Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Hugs & Kisses (Preschool and Two's)

Preschool Storytime:

*Storytime went great today! The only thing book I didn't have time for was "Foxy in Love" which is amazing! I love this book and definitely want to read it next year.

Opening: Big Books

Book: Love Monster and the Last Chocolate
*I absolutely adore Love Monster and I'm so glad I did read this book again this year. I don't normally repeat books every year, but I feel like Love Monster is an exception for me. The preschooler really enjoyed it!

Fingerplay/Flannel: Lovebug Hiding Game
Love bug, love bug, are you hiding under the {red} rug?

Fingerplay/Flannel: Color Valentine’s
      Valentine, valentine, heart so yellow, wiggle around like a happy fellow!
       Valentine, valentine, heart so red, stomp your feet, then pat your head!
       Valentine, valentine, heart so green, clap your hands so you’ll be seen!
       Valentine, valentine, heart so blue, put your hands on your shoes.
    Valentine, valentine, time to hop, keep on going until I say STOP!

Book:  How About a Kiss for Me? (Give kisses to puppets.)
*I always read this book to the two's and decided to read this book to the preschoolers this year. I'm so glad they did, they loved it! Every time a puppet popped up behind me I gave my puppet a kiss!
Fingerplay: Bee Mine (Puppets)
Be mine, be mine, be mine alone.  Sweet valentine, for you a bone! (DOG)
Be mine, be mine, please make my day.  Sweet valentine, for you some hay! (HORSE)
Be mine, be mine, I’ll give big hugs. Sweet Valentine for you….some bugs! (FROG)
Be mine, be mine, love me if you please. Sweet Valentine for you…some cheese! (MOUSE)
Be mine, be mine, I won’t take a pass. Sweet Valentine for you….some grass! (COW)
Be mine, be mine, laugh ‘till we squirm. Sweet Valentine for you…a worm! (BIRD)
Be mine, be mine, you’re so funny. Sweet Valentine for you…some honey! (BEAR)

Extra Books:

Time for Two’s:

Opening: Big Books

Fingerplay: If You Want to Hear a Story

Book: Psst! I Love You!
*For this book, my volunteer was behind me, holding up each puppet to go along with the book. I have paper kisses cut out and I will feed each puppet a kiss.

Fingerplay/Flannel: Lovebug Hiding Game
Love bug, love bug, are you hiding under the {red} rug?

Fingerplay/Flannel: Color Valentine’s
      Valentine, valentine, heart so yellow, wiggle around like a happy fellow!
       Valentine, valentine, heart so red, stomp your feet, then pat your head!
       Valentine, valentine, heart so green, clap your hands so you’ll be seen!
       Valentine, valentine, heart so blue, put your hands on your shoes.
    Valentine, valentine, time to hop, keep on going until I say STOP!

Book: Pop-Up Peekaboo! I Love You
*This is the first time I've read this book to the two's and they loved it! Any pop-up book the two's adore, and this one is beautiful!

Fingerplay: Bee Mine
Be mine, be mine, be mine alone.  Sweet valentine, for you a bone! (DOG)
Be mine, be mine, please make my day.  Sweet valentine, for you some hay! (HORSE)
Be mine, be mine, I’ll give big hugs. Sweet Valentine for you….some bugs! (FROG)
Be mine, be mine, love me if you please. Sweet Valentine for you…some cheese! (MOUSE)
Be mine, be mine, I won’t take a pass. Sweet Valentine for you….some grass! (COW)
Be mine, be mine, laugh ‘till we squirm. Sweet Valentine for you…a worm! (BIRD)
Be mine, be mine, you’re so funny. Sweet Valentine for you…some honey! (BEAR)
Credit: Librarian vs. Storytime

Action: Heart Dancing

Our craft today was a sweet dog! We did our own take on the craft I saw online, just to make it a bit simpler for the two's. I do have to say, I love the saying on the craft online, check it out! The reason we did our craft simpler is because we had our party today and the two's had yummy food to eat! I didn't want to overwhelm them with lots of stuff to do, so this was perfect.
Credit: Paper Source

Extra Books:

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