Friday, February 1, 2019

Snowy Blowy Winter (Preschool and Two's)

Preschool Storytime:

Opening: Big Books

Book: Bunny Slopes (With volunteer doing ASL)
*I wanted to give this book another try, hoping that the preschooler would enjoy it more this time. They did like it, but still not as much as I hoped. I absolutely love this book, because you get to do all the fun actions along with the rabbit as he goes skiing. Still a wonderful book but one I probably won't attempt again in storytime.

Fingerplay/Flannel: Make a Snowman

Book: Froggy Gets Dressed
*I can't believe I've never read this book in storytime before, it was so much fun! I made a really big flannel to go on my flannelboard. This way the preschoolers could see each piece of clothing Froggy had. To make this story more engaging, we jumped up and down each time Froggy went outside. This really seemed to help the preschoolers get more into the story. The favorite part of the story for them? The ending when Froggy forgot his underwear!

Fingerplay/Flannel: Snowman Hiding Game
Snowman, snowman, cold and round.
Under which mitten can you be found?

Fingerplay/Flannel: Snowman
Snowman, snowman, hat so red, pat your legs and nod your head.
Snowman, snowman, hat so blue, touch your knee, then your shoe.
Snowman, snowman, hat so white, clap your hands with all your might.
Snowman, snowman, hat so green, jump up like a jumping bean.
Snowman, snowman, hat so brown, reach up high then touch the ground.
Snowman, snowman, hat so black, rub your tummy, then touch your back.
Snowman, snowman turn around and sit back down!

Extra Books:

Our craft today was a penguin, my favorite winter animal!

Time for Two’s Storytime:

I was so surprised by how much I was able to do in storytime with the two's. I always over plan, because I don't want to feel like I'm scrambling to find something to do at the very last moment. But this storytime just felt like everything went so smoothly, and I was able to do so much with the two's. They listened so well, and yet really seemed to enjoy each book and action we did. Don't you just love when everything truly comes together? It doesn't always seem to happen that way for me, so I love it when you get lifted up and it happens!

Opening: Big Books

Fingerplay: If You Want to Hear a Story

Book: Froggy Gets Dressed
*To make this story more engaging, we jumped up and down each time Froggy went outside. I was worried this would be too long for the two's, so I didn't read everything that was repeated. This helped a lot, and the two's really enjoyed telling me what all Froggy needed to put on next!

Fingerplay/Flannel: Snowman Hiding Game
Snowman, snowman, cold and round.
Under which mitten can you be found?

Fingerplay/Puppets: There’s Something in the Snow”
    There’s something in the snow, now what can it be?
    There’s something in the snow that I can’t really see.
    Hear it’s funny sound…OINK OINK
    A pig is what I found!
    Contiunue with: Neigh, neigh, a horse is what I found.
                    Moo, moo, a cow is what I found.
Baa, baa, a sheep is what I found.
*I like to give mittens to my puppets, to help them stay warm!

Book: Peekaboo! In the Snow
*The two's loved seeing all the animals and saying Peekaboo!

Book: Mitten (Throw paper animals out onto kids at end.)
*Instead of reading this book I like to tell this story. We have two mittens already made, one small and one very big! As I'm telling the story, I show the animals to the two's and stick each animal inside my big mitten that's folded up. That way nobody can see the size of this mitten until the very end of the story. I've never done this before, but I decided to take little printouts of the animals and have them cut out. When all the animals come flying out of the mitten, I took the printouts I had and threw them in the air, out onto the two's! Such laughter and squeals of joy erupted! The two's were uper quiet watching the animals disappear into the mitten and were so happy when the animals came raining down onto them at the end.

The two's also made the adorable penguin!

Extra Book:

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