Friday, January 17, 2020

R is for Robot (Preschool)

Preschool Storytime:

Opening: Big Books

Book: Raybot (use puppets)
*This book took quite a bit longer to read than I remember, but I'm still glad I used it. Little raybot, not robot, wants to find a best friend, a puppy dog! He travels the world looking for a friend who barks!

Fingerplay/Flannel: Five Little Robots Jumping on the Bed

Book: Beep! Beep! Go to Sleep! (With robots on puppet stage)
*This book is so much fun to use! I place robots up on my puppet stage and tell the preschoolers to "watch" my robots. When we get to the part of the book that says "BEEP! BEEP!" we all say the words together. That is the cue for my robots to start moving around. This book is great to teach literacy skills with because it is very repetitive. Plus the preschoolers just enjoy getting to make the beeping noises with you.

Fingerplay: Five Noisy Robots
Five noisy robots in the big toy shop,
Shiny and tall with antennae on the top.
Along came a girl with a penny one day.
Bought a noisy robot and took it away.
(continue with 4, 3, 2, 1 noisy robots)
Credit: Literacious

The robot craft is one of my favorite because of the accordion arms! I do especially love the pocket inside to tuck in all the tools.

Extra Books:

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