Friday, January 31, 2020

T is for Tip Tap Bang Bang Bang (Preschool and Two's)

Preschool Storytime:

Opening: Big Books

Book: Huff and Puff (Volunteer doing ASL)
*I absolutely adore using this book in storytime. Why? Because I have three houses that I tape onto boxes. Then the preschoolers help me "blow" down my houses! The best part of this was I had a special guest doing ASL and we all learned the signs for "pig" and "wolf". A lot of the preschoolers and their parents were doing the signs along with me which was amazing!

I have 5 little hammers to give away.
Who wants to help me build today?
Here’s a tool to help me!  Hooray!
*While I am doing this fingerplay, we will count the hammers each time. Also I will give a hammer to my puppets so that we can make the noise of each animal. (I didn't come up with this adorable fingerplay, so if it is your fab idea, speak up!)

Book: The House That Zack Built
*I've never read this book aloud before, but I'm so glad I did! The illustrations are just beautiful and you can make it more interactive by using puppets. This way the preschoolers can help you make all the noises that the animals make all throughout the book. The best part was at the end when a little boy spoke up and said "Hey! That little boy in the book built a house out of blocks!"

Fingerplay/Flannel: Tool Hiding Game
Bruno needs his hammer lots and lots.
Is it hiding in the (say color) toolbox?

Fingerplay:  Twinkle, Twinkle, Traffic Light
(tune: Twinkle, Twinkle, Traffic Light)
Twinkle, Twinkle, Traffic Light,
Twinkle, Twinkle, Traffic Light,
Shining on the corner bright.
Red means STOP! (hold out hands in “STOP” motion)
Green means GO! (run in place fast)
Yellow means YOU’D BETTER GO SLOW! (run in place slowly)
Twinkle, Twinkle, Traffic Light,
Shining on the corner bright.
*The preschoolers adore dancing with scarves and this is a really good fingerplay to use with the scarves. I had a traffic light up on my flannelboard to use while we were doing this.

Our craft is a toolbelt!  The preschoolers went crazy over this and I truly think because it was something they could wear.  All of the tools were separate from the craft so that they could pull them in and out of the toolbelt.  We also had the tools not glued together so that gave something else for the preschoolers to put together.

We also had games today!  Check out our wintry games here!
Extra Books:

Time for Two’s Storytime:

Opening: Big Books

Book: Huff and Puff
*I absolutely adore using this book in storytime. Why? Because I have three houses that I tape onto boxes. Then the two's help me "blow" down my houses! For whatever reason the two's were spellbound by the pigs inside the houses that I had taped to my boxes! Priceless!

Fingerplay/Flannel: Tool Hiding Game
Bruno needs his hammer lots and lots.
Is it hiding in the (say colour) toolbox?

Fingerplay/Flannel: Wheels on the Bus

Book: Moving Blocks

I have 5 little hammers to give away.
Who wants to help me build today?
Here’s a tool to help me!  Hooray!

Action: Bubbles!

*The two's did the same craft as the preschoolers above. I was happy to see that they enjoyed their toolbelt just as much as the preschoolers did!

Extra Book:

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