Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Berries & Jam (Storytime)

 Opening: Big Books

Book: There Are No Bears in This Bakery

Fingerplay/Flannel: Jelly Sandwich 
*For this I made all the sandwich items to put on my flannelboard.  I wanted to add something to this, so I made splotches of purple and red.  Why?  Because I hold up the jelly jars and tell the kids we need to put jelly on our sandwich and then I pull out the splotch from the back of my jar.  I have a little pocket so it's hidden from sight.  Also, I like to use my scarf and wave it back and forth when we are spreading the items onto the bread.

Book: Bear Likes Jam

Fingerplay: Scarf Dancing
*I did the popcorn fingerplay and a few others.

Book: White is for Blueberry

Extra Books:

Can You Bear It? (Storytime)

 Opening: Big Books

Book: A Good Day for Hat

*Normally I use props with this storytime.  I have all the hats made that bear wears, and I tape bear to a box.  He's quite large..LOL  As bear changes his hat out during the story, I will replace the hat he's wearing.  Below is a picture of how I do the props for this one.

FIngerplay/Flannel: Books Hiding Game
Piggie, piggie, where do you hide?
Are you behind the {red} book?  Let's peek inside!

Book: Bruce's Big Storm

Fingerplay: Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, Turn Around

Book: Bug Bear

Extra Books:

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Smashy Town (Storytime)

Book: Smashy Town

Fingerplay/Flannel: Old MacDonald Had a Truck

Old MacDonald had a truck, E I E I O

And on this truck, he had some wheels, E I E I O

With a roll, roll here and a roll, roll there

Here a roll, there a roll

Everywhere a roll, roll

Old MacDonald had a truck, E I E I O

Also add wipers/swish, horn/beeps, etc.

Credit: Verona Story Time

Book: Snakes on the Job by Kathryn Dennis

Fingerplay:  Twinkle, Twinkle, Traffic Light

Twinkle, Twinkle, Traffic Light,

Shining on the corner bright.

Red means STOP! (hold out hands in “STOP” motion)

Green means GO! (run in place fast)

Yellow means YOU’D BETTER GO SLOW! (run in place slowly)

Twinkle, Twinkle, Traffic Light,

Shining on the corner bright.

Credit: Loudest Librarian

Book: Let’s Build by Julie M. Fenner

Extra Books:

Big Size Surprise (Storytime)

Board Book: Let’s Go! By Lindsay Ward

Board Book: Big Size Surprise

Fingerplay: Flying Fast, Flying Slow  (USE SCARVES)
Flying fast, flying slow       
Flying high, flying low.      
Swooping & swirling, I glide through the air.   
My special wings take me everywhere! 

Book: Tow Truck Joe

Sleepy Owls (Storytime)

 Book: Little Owl Lost by Chris Haughton

Fingerplay/Flannel: Owl Hiding Game
Owl, owl, where do you hide? 
Are you in the (color) tree? Let's peek inside!

Book: Hoot Owl, Master of Disguise by Sean Taylor

Fingerplay: Hoot Owl (Use puppets)
Hoot owl, hoot owl, sitting in the tree,
Hoot owl, hoot owl, what do you see?
I see black cats running by me, (run like a cat)
All night long as I sit in my tree.
Hoot owl, hoot owl, sitting in the tree,
Hoot owl, hoot owl, what do you see?
I see pumpkins rolling by me, (roll like a pumpkin)
All night long as I sit in my tree.
Hoot owl, hoot owl, sitting in the tree,
Hoot owl, hoot owl, what do you see?
I see spiders crawling by me, (crawl like a spider)
All night long as I sit in my tree.

Book: Hoot & Honk Just Can’t Sleep by Leslie Helakoski

Extra Books: