Thursday, September 17, 2020

Sleepy Owls (Storytime)

 Book: Little Owl Lost by Chris Haughton

Fingerplay/Flannel: Owl Hiding Game
Owl, owl, where do you hide? 
Are you in the (color) tree? Let's peek inside!

Book: Hoot Owl, Master of Disguise by Sean Taylor

Fingerplay: Hoot Owl (Use puppets)
Hoot owl, hoot owl, sitting in the tree,
Hoot owl, hoot owl, what do you see?
I see black cats running by me, (run like a cat)
All night long as I sit in my tree.
Hoot owl, hoot owl, sitting in the tree,
Hoot owl, hoot owl, what do you see?
I see pumpkins rolling by me, (roll like a pumpkin)
All night long as I sit in my tree.
Hoot owl, hoot owl, sitting in the tree,
Hoot owl, hoot owl, what do you see?
I see spiders crawling by me, (crawl like a spider)
All night long as I sit in my tree.

Book: Hoot & Honk Just Can’t Sleep by Leslie Helakoski

Extra Books:

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