Monday, January 11, 2021

Babies on the Go

Book: Baby Builders by Elissa Haden Guest

Fingerplay: Put the Baby to Bed
Now it’s time to go to sleep  (Hold up right index finger.)
Put the baby to bed.              (Place index finger on left palm)
Cover the baby in the bed.    (Wrap left fingers around right index.)
Kiss the baby good-night.      (Pretend to kiss finger.)
Waaa!  Waaa!                         (Hold up right index finger and cry.)
The baby’s awake!
What can we do?
(Insert children’s suggestions and continue the rhyme.  For example, give it a bottle, change its diapers, give it a toy, read a book, etc.)

Book: Peep and Egg I’m Not Hatching by Laura Gehl

Fingerplay/Flannel: Wheels on the Bus

Book: Baby Monster by Andrea Pfeiffer and Erin Barker

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