Tuesday, January 5, 2021


Opening: Big Boks

Book: How Do You Take a Bath? By Kate McMullan

Fingerplay/Flannel: 5 Pigs in the Mud (roll, jump, stomp)
5 little pigs rolled in the mud 
Squishy, squashy, felt so good. 
The farmer took one piggy out.
Oink, oink, oink that piggy did shout! (Flip pig over to clean side)

Book: Peep and Egg I'm Not Taking a Bathy by Laura Gehl

Fingerplay: 5 Rubber Ducks
5 rubber ducks came out to play,
Battling the waves in the tub today.
Along came the splash that sent one to shore,
And then he couldn’t play anymore.
4 rubber ducks…
3 rubber ducks…
2 rubber ducks…
1 rubber duck came out to play,
Battling the waves in the tub today.
Along came the splash that sent him to shore,
Now no rubber ducks can play anymore.
Credit: Miss Mary Liberry

Office Copy: Miki Takes a Bath by Stephanie Babin

Book: Cowpoke Clyde and Dirty Dawg by Lori Mortensen

Extra Books: 

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