Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Favorites with Friends (Part 2)

 Book: Where is the Dragon?

Fingerplay: Ten Little Kittens
Ten little kittens standing in a row.
(Palms facing forward, fingers extended.)
They bow their heads to the children just so.
(Bend fingers back and forth.)
They run to the left, the run to the right.
(High, low, fast, slow.)
They stretch up high with all their might.
Along comes a dog, looking for some fun.
(Fingers of one hand resting on thumb, move towards other hand.)
"Meow!" Away those kittens run!
(Run hands behind back.)
*There are multiple sources this can be found at online.

Book: Do Cats Moo?

Fingerplay: Kitty Cat POUNCE!
(Roll up the scarf slowly while you say the words, then toss it high in the air on POUNCE)
Kitty cat, kitty cat, sneaks out of the house.
Kitty cat, kitty cat, creeps up to a mouse
Kitty cat, kitty cat, creeps up to a bird.
Kitty cat, kitty cat, is not even heard,
But the mouse ran, and the bird flew away,
So kitty cat found a ball of yarn to play.

 Book: A is for Another Rabbit

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