Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Rain and Clouds

 Book: A Hippity-Hoppy Toad

Song: Raindrops (Tune of London Bridge)
Little raindrops falling down, 
Falling down, falling down.
Little raindrops falling down,
Falling to the ground.
2nd Verse: Bigger raindrops (clap hands)
3rd Verse: Giant raindrops (stomp feet)
Credit: https://kcls.org/content/little-raindrops-falling-down/

Book: Little Raindrop

Fingerplay: Spiders Up the Spout
(Tune Farmer in the Dell)
Five spiders up the spout.
Five spiders up the spout.
It rained and rained and washed one out.
Four spiders up the spout.
Credit: Rachel's Reading Room

Book: Boom! Booom! Boom!

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