Monday, May 10, 2021

Let's Pick Some Strawberries!

 Book: Share, Big Bear, Share!

Scarf Fingerplay: 5 Berries
Five ripe berries sitting in a bowl.
One fell out and started to roll.
It bumped the table and hit my toe. (Clap once and touch toes.)
How many berries left in the bowl?

Action Song: Pop Goes the Berry
(Tune: Pop Goes the Weasel)
All around the strawberry fields,
We picked some juicy berries.
We brought them home and washed them off.
Pop! Go the berries!
(Throw scarf in the air or have kids crouch down and jump up on POP!)

Book: Bumpety, Dunkety, Thumpety-Thump!

Fingerplay: Scarf Dancing
*For this we did popcorn kernels and a few other dancing songs.

Book: Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes

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