Friday, May 7, 2021

Mother's Day!

 Book: What Not to Give our Mom on Mother's Day

 Fingerplay: Early in the Morning
This is the way we wave hello, wave hello, wave hello.
This is the way we wave hello so early in the morning.
Repeat with: clap our hands, stomp our feet, jump around.

Book: When I'm Bigger, Mama Bear

Action: Five Kisses
I have five kisses to give away, who should I kiss on Mother's day?
*For this I read the fingerplay below and placed the kisses on puppets.

Fingerplay: Mothers and Babies
This baby makes a mooing sound,
When his mother is not around.
Calf is the name of this baby.
What is his mother called?  Cow!
Other verses:
Barking, puppy, dog
Meowing, kitten, cat
Quacking, duckling, duck
Oinking, piglet, pig

Book: I Don't Want to Be Quiet!

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