Saturday, July 24, 2021

Animal Babies

 Opening: If You Want to Hear a Story, Clap Your Hands
If you want to hear a story, clap your hands! (repeat twice)
If you want to hear a story, if you want to hear a story.
If you want to hear a story, clap your hands!

Book: Mole's Babies

Fingerplay: Put the Baby to Bed
Now it’s time to go to sleep  (Hold up right index finger.)
Put the baby to bed.              (Place index finger on left palm)
Cover the baby in the bed.    (Wrap left fingers around right index.)
Kiss the baby good-night.      (Pretend to kiss finger.)
Waaa!  Waaa!                         (Hold up right index finger and cry.)
The baby’s awake!
What can we do?
(Insert children’s suggestions and continue the rhyme.  For example, give it a bottle, change its diapers, give it a toy, read a book, etc.)

Book: Dancing Feet

Action: Animal Movement Cards

Book: Peep and Egg I’m Not Hatching by Laura Gehl

Closing: We Wave Goodbye Like This (Tune: The Farmer in the Dell)
We wave goodbye like this,
We wave goodbye like this.
We clap our hands for all our friends!
We wave goodbye like this.
We wave goodbye really fast,
We wave goodbye really slow.
We turn around and take a bow,
And then it’s time to go!
Credit: adapted from Storytime Katie
Extra Book:
Beastly Babies by Ellen Jackson 

Book: Mole’s Babies

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