Thursday, July 8, 2021

Monster Mess

 Book: Tickle Monster

Action: Ten Little Monsters
One little, two little, three little monsters.
Four little, five little, six little monsters.
Seven little, eight little, nine little monsters.
Ten little monsters "roaring" at me.
Repeat and change roar to jump, clap, etc.

Book: Monsters Love Colors

Fingerplay/Flannel: Hungry Monsters
3 little monsters shiny and bright,
Were waiting on their supper tonight.
1 little monster said "I'm too hungry to wait!"
So he grabbed a "strawberry" and that's what he ate.
*For this I made monsters that were white on one side and a different color on the other.  I made food to "feed" the monster and turn him into the color of the food he ate.  A fabulous friend of mine let me use this fingerplay, so credit goes to you Chrysalis!

Book: Love Monster

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