Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Buggy for Books (Preschool and Two's)

Preschool Storytime

Opening: Big Books

Book: What Does the Bee See?

*The kids loved guessing the items hiding inside this book. A great read!

Fingerplay/Flannel: Little Bug, Little Bug, Are You Under the Rug?
*This was such a fun hiding game, and the kids loved finding the bug! Check it out here along with other great bug ideas!

Book:  A Frog in the Bog
*I fell in love with the green little frog and his snazzy hat! The kids enjoyed this book, but next time I will make little bugs out of paper. When the frog burps up all the bugs to make himself smaller, I will throw all my paper bugs out onto the kids!

Fingerplay: Insect Action Cards
*The kids loved acting like bugs and didn't want to stop doing this! Which is a wonderful thing, I'm not complaining! You can find these action cards and lots of other buggy things here.

Fingerplay: Bug Guessing Game
*I didn't do this bug guessing game, but it can be found in the fabulous book I listed above.

Book: Bye-Bye Big Bad Bullybug

*My all time favorite bug book, and this cover explains it all! This book is like all of Ed Emberly's fabulous books because the bullybug appears a little at a time. What do you do with bullybugs? You squash them! The kids loved seeing the bullybug appear bit by bit and when we started stomping our feet that made it even better!

Fingerplay: All Through the Summer
Butterflies go flutter, Fireflies go blink.
*I ran out of time to do this fun fingerplay, but it can be found in the book listed above.

Book: Walter’s Wonderful Web
*I am not a fan of spiders, but I love this cuddly little fellow! I was very excited to read this book and have the kids tell me what shape is inside Walter's web, but we ran out of time for it!

Fingerplay: Five Ladybugs (Use puppets)
Five Little Ladybugs
Five little ladybugs on our front door,  (Hold up five fingers)
One flew to Daddy, and that left four.
Four little ladybugs, oh so wee,  (Hold up four fingers)
One flew to Mommy,, and that left three.
Three little ladybugs saying "howdy-do,"  (Hold up three fingers)
One flew to Sister, and that left two.
Two little ladybugs snoozing in the sun,  (Hold up two fingers)
One flew to Brother, and that left one.
One little ladybug alone on the door,  (Hold up one finger)
It flew to Baby, then there were no more.
*Oh my, I had way too much planned for today! But I'd rather have way too much than not enough for a storytime. I found this wonderful ladybug fingerplay here. I do have future plans to use it sometime though, it's too cute not too!

Action: We’re Going on a Bug Hunt
*The kids went wild over our bug hunt! My volunteer was behind the puppet stage with our bugs. After we said our rhyme, the bug popped up and I tried to "catch" it with my butterfly net. Needless to say, it took many attempts before I could successfully catch the bug! You can find the song here!

Extra Books:
*This is a wonderful pop-up book and one I recommend adding to your library. We have ours as office use only because it would be damaged easily, but a great addition to your collection!

For the craft today, the kids made a caterpillar!  My original plan was to lay out crayons and let the preschoolers draw the legs on the caterpillar, but I forgot to put out the crayons!  But the catepillars turned out precious!  I found this buggy craft here.

Today was also our game day!  To see all the buggy games we played, click here!

Time for Two’s Storytime

Opening: Big Books

Book: Ten Little Ladybugs (With puppets)
*The two's loved seeing the puppets and counting down the ladybugs. I gave each puppet a ladybug as we read along and the two's really liked that!

Fingerplay: Insect Action Cards
You can find these action cards and much other buggy things here.

Fingerplay/Flannel: Little Bug, Little Bug, Are You Under the Rug?
*This was such a fun hiding game, and the kids loved finding the bug! Check it out here along with other great bug ideas!

Office Book: Butterfly, Butterfly
*Loved the pop-up butterfly at the end.

File Folder Ladybug Story
*I asked the two's if my ladybug was red and they loved telling me my colors were wrong! This was a great story to use, and you can find it here.

Book: Bye-Bye Big Bad Bullybug
*This is my favorite bug story, but we ran out of time for this today.

Action: We’re Going on a Bug Hunt
*The kids went wild over our bug hunt! My volunteer was behind the puppet stage with our bugs. After we said our rhyme, the bug popped up and I tried to "catch" it with my butterfly net. Needless to say, it took many attempts before I could successfully catch the bug! You can find a song here!

Extra Books:
Buzz, Buzz, Baby!

For the craft today, the kids made a caterpillar!  My original plan was to lay out crayons and let the preschoolers draw the legs on the caterpillar, but I forgot to put out the crayons!  But the caterpillars turned out precious!  I found this buggy craft here.

Today was also our game day!  To see all the buggy games we played, click here!

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