Thursday, May 4, 2017

Planting a Rainbow (Preschool and Two's)

Planting a Rainbow

Music by Raffi 
Song: In My Garden or Everything Grows

Opening: Big Books

Fingerplay/Flannel: Seed Guessing
*I have no idea where this idea came from, but I have four flannel seeds laminated.  On the other side of my seeds are pictures of things you find in your garden.  I describe what is on the other side of my seed and have the kids guess what it might be.  Then I flip over my seed to show them if they are right.  I didn't expect them to enjoy this so much, but they went crazy over it!

Book: Pickin' Peas (With rabbit and peas, pail for prop)
*I haven't read this book before with the preschool group, and it was so much fun!  My volunteer had our rabbit hop around, and the best part was when I reached over and grabbed the rabbit by the ears.  The kids were so shocked that I would grab the rabbit they didn't know what to do!  To make the sound of the peas hitting my pail, I took legos and hid them inside my small bowl.  I put my flannel peas inside the bowl after showing them to the kids.  They really enjoyed hearing the peas hit and wanted to look inside my bowl!

Fingerplay/Flannel: Butterfly Colors
*This is a really fun fingerplay to do and the kids love telling me what color butterfly I'm holding up.  We needed to stand up after our first story, so we acted like butterflies during this.  We would flap our arms fast, slow, and high.  You can find this wonderful fingerplay here.

Fingerplay: Flower Hiding Game
*I absolutely love to do hiding games with the kids, but we ran out of time for this one today.  You can find it here.

Book: What's in the Garden?

*This is a fabulous guessing book to use!  The kids normally have so much fun with this book, but I think they were really restless after the first longer book.

Fingerplay/Flannel: “Over in the Garden”
         Over in the garden where the vegetables grow,
         There sat a {color vegetable} in a nice straight row,
         Along came a {puppet} who hadn’t had lunch.
         He ate that {color vegetable} with a crunch, crunch, crunch!

*I apologize, I can't find the blog where I found this adorable fingerplay!  If you came up with it, please let me know so that I can give you credit.  The kids went crazy seeing the puppets eat the flannel vegetables, which made me so happy.

Book: Guess What?-Flowers
*I love using this book with the kids, but we ran out of time for it today.

Fingerplay: Little Flower, Little Flower
Little flower, little flower twist around.
Little flower, little flower touch the ground.
Little flower, little flower spread your petals wide.
Little flower, little flower now you hide.
Little flower, little flower stretch towards the sun.
Little flower, little flower in the wind have fun!
Little flower, little flower time for one jump up and down.
Little flower, little flower sit back down!
*We ran out of time for this fun fingerplay today.

Book: Plant the Tiny Seed
*The kids loved this book!  The only thing is I forgot to spray water on them when it was time, but they loved have the paper petals falling down on them.  It's a great interactive book to use!

File Folder Story: Old McRainbow's Flower Garden
*I was so sad that I didn't get to do this today, but I had way too much planned!  But you can see this wonderful file folder story here.  What I planned on doing was give out all the bees, have us all dance around with them, then show the file folder story, and follow along with it.  I have a beehive made that I attached to a box, so that the kids can push their bees into the beehive when I call out for each color.

Fingerplay/Flannel: “A Flower for You”
         (Make flower, and when you sneeze, throw petals on kids)
         Out in the garden the flowers grew,
         Each with a different color and hue.
         I picked the {red} one just for you.
         Then took a sniff and went “Ah-choo!”
         And away the petals of the flower flew
*I absolutely love doing this fingerplay with the kids, and they always go crazy when I "sneeze" flower petals on them.  Today was no exception, they loved it!  I found this great fingerplay here.

Our craft today was a flower!  We made F is for flower, and the kids glued down the grass and flower petals.  I found this beautiful craft here!

Extra Book:  
Do You Know Which Ones Will Grow?
Jo MacDonald Had a Garden
Muncha! Muncha! Muncha!
1 Big Salad
There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Frog

Time for Two’s Storytime

Music: Raffi 
Song: In My Garden or Everything Grows

Opening: Big Books

Fingerplay: If You Want to Hear a Story

Book:Do You Know Which One Will Grow?
*This is a great book to use but it was a little over the two’s head!

Fingerplay: Little Flower, Little Flower
Little flower, little flower twist around.
Little flower, little flower touch the ground.
Little flower, little flower spread your petals wide.
Little flower, little flower now you hide.
Little flower, little flower stretch towards the sun.
Little flower, little flower in the wind have fun!
Little flower, little flower time for one jump up and down.
Little flower, little flower sit back down!
*The two's loved standing up and acting like flowers!

Fingerplay: Seed Guessing
*I have no idea where this idea came from, but I have four flannel seeds laminated.  On the other side of my seeds are pictures of things you find in your garden.  Today I flipped over my seeds to show the two's what was growing, and they surprised me by telling me what vegetables I had.  Then I put up the flannel piece instead of the seed, so that we had our vegetables ready to feed to the puppets.

Book: Guess What?-Flowers
*The two's loved this book, and it's a great one to use!

Fingerplay/Flannel: “Over in the Garden”
         Over in the garden where the vegetables grow,
         There sat a {color vegetable} in a nice straight row,
         Along came a {puppet} who hadn’t had lunch.
         He ate that {color vegetable} with a crunch, crunch, crunch!
*I apologize, I can't find the blog where I found this adorable fingerplay!  If you came up with it, please let me know so that I can give you credit.  The kids loved seeing the animals eating their vegetables!

Book: Plant the Tiny Seed
*The two's really enjoyed this book, especially when they got sprayed by water!  Of course, having the petals raining down on them was lots of fun too!

File Folder Story: Old McRainbow’s Flower Garden
*I was so sad that I didn't get to do this today, but I had way too much planned!  But you can see this wonderful file folder story here.  What I planned on doing was give out all the bees, have us all dance around with them, then show the file folder story, and follow along with it.  I have a beehive made that I attached to a box, so that the kids can push their bees into the beehive when I call out for each color.

Fingerplay/Flannel: “A Flower for You”
         (Make flower, and when you sneeze, throw petals on kids)
         Out in the garden the flowers grew,
         Each with a different color and hue.
         I picked the {red} one just for you.
         Then took a sniff and went “Ah-choo!”
         And away the petals of the flower flew.
*I absolutely love doing this fingerplay with the kids, and they always go crazy when I "sneeze" flower petals on them.  I ran out of time for this today, but have plans on doing it next week! I found this great fingerplay here.

Action: Carrot Dancing
*We ran out of time to dance today, but I was planning on handing out carrots to go along with our garden theme.  

Fingerplay: “I’m a Little Bunny” (tune: I’m a Little Teapot)
I’m a little bunny soft and white
I think veggies are out of sight!
I love to eat carrots but I have none!
So step right up and give me one.
*I found this great interactive fingerplay here.

Our craft today was a flower!  We made F is for flower, and the kids glued down the grass and flower petals.  I found this beautiful craft here!

Extra Books:
I Spy in the Garden (Office Book)
We’re Rabbits! By Lisa Westberg Peters
Who’s in the Garden?

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