Friday, July 27, 2018

SRP Finale 2018

Well, SRP 2018 is over! It's bittersweet for me,
knowing the summer is done, and live is back to
normal. Or is it? We already have plans for a
Once Upon a Time party in August, something
we've never done before, so I'm so excited! Of
course, you have all the fun holidays coming up in
fall and winter too, so lots of excitement there also.

I apologize, with all the craziness, I didn't get any
pictures taken of the crafts we did at our finale parties
this week, so I included a pic from the website I
found them on. I hope your summer has been a
great one like mine has too!

*For preschool and elementary age kids we show a
power point presentation of all the pictures from the
summer. The kids really seem to enjoy seeing
themselves up on the big screen! For the layout, we
had long tables lining all of the walls, with some
chairs lined up in the middle for adults to sit down and take
a break if need be.

I did have one game setup, and that was a putt-putt
set I got from Oriental Trading. Before I showed
the slideshow, I did read one book, which was:

*The kids went crazy! By the end of the book they
were all singing the song right along with me,
which was priceless! After this, I brought up the
video for us all to dance along to, which I thought
would be a bigger hit than it was, but that's okay.
After we danced, I showed the slideshow and turned
the kids loose to play games! It was organized chaos, but everybody went crazy over all of the crafts!

1.) Pete the Cat

2.) Guitar

*For preschool, we made a smaller version, which
was just cut out of paper. We had stickers laid out
for them to decorate the guitar with, and they loved it!

3.) Music Note

4.) Radio

*I did not expect the preschoolers to go so crazy
over this craft, but they did! They carried around
the radios the whole time! So precious!
Credit: Preschool Activities


1.) Guitar

*To make the guitars more special for the elementary
age, we added string like the pictures shows
above. Also, I laid out scrapbooking stickers, so
that the kids could spell their name out on the guitar.

2.) Painting Rocks
*I wasn't sure about us pulling out paint, but it went wonderfully!  We put out two tablecloths on two round tables, and hat a rock painting station set up.  The whole finale party, the two tables stayed packed.  The kids went bonkers over this!

3.) Maracas

*Another craft I wasn't so sure about, but excited.
The response from kids? Everywhere you walked you
had maracas shaken at you, so they were "All shook

Credit: Oriental Trading

4.) Microphone
*This was a craft I thought the elementary age would go crazy over, but not as much as I expected.  The only change we made was instead of a Christmas ornament on top, we used aluminum foil and stuffed it full of cotton balls.

5.) Radio

*We decided at the last minute to put out the radios for this age, not reallly expecting them to like it.
Again, this took me by surprise.  The kids used every box we had put out on the table!  

6.) Music Bingo
*Almost the whole time we had the finale going on, I was calling out bingo!  LOL...I wouldn't change it for the world.  But the best idea I think we did with bingo was, we gave out door prizes we had left from the summer to the winners of bingo.  I wasn't too sure how the kids would feel about this, but they loved it!  Which means I'm loving it!

7.) Pete the Cat

We also had food for the elementary age, and we put out brownies, potato chips, and made xylophones.  How?  Out of graham crackers, icing and M&M's.  For drinks we made lemonade from Kool-Aid.

1.) Music Note

2.) Guitar

*For two's, we made a smaller version, which was just cut out of paper. We had stickers laid out

for them to decorate the guitar with, and they loved it!

3.) Microphone


*I was hesitant to put out a noise maker for the two's, but I am so happy that I did it.  They were so fascinated by this, and nobody seemed to mind the noise.  Definitely something I will be doing again in the future!
Credit: Oriental Trading

*I only put out one game, and that was the putt-putt that the preschoolers did earlier this week.  I was afraid this would be way too much stuff or the two's, but it seemed to be okay for them to handle.

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