Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Once Upon a Time Party

I'm so happy to share this, we had our first "Once Upon a Time" party!  Below are pictures of our crafts, food and decorations.

We had a banner going down both sides of the auditorium.   The banner had unicorns, lions and other items on the shields.  On our walls were torches and chandeliers.


*Our two back walls had purple tablecloths hanging down, tied in the middle.

For a game, who can resist castle putt-putt???

*How about trying to pull the sword out of the stone?  My boss made this astounding stone for us, and I had to dress up as Snow White!

*Castle craft with turrets and stones to glue on.

Credit: Mommyish

*Unicorn craft with different colored hair.  The girls loved the unicorn, but the yarn threading was a little challenging for some of the kids.
Credit: Glued To My Crafts

*We had shields for everyone, with unicorns and swords to choose from.

*I apologize, I would give credit for this fabulous dragon, but the website is unavailable.

I forgot to take a picture, but we also had paper crowns laid out for the kids to make and wear.  Sorry about that!

*This is a picture of my faithful volunteer, my mom!  The kids ate all of our "twigs" or pretzel sticks, almost two pans of brownies, and the majority of the "dragon fireballs" or cheetohs.  I have to say all of the food was a big hit!  I did have a jar of magical jellybeans and the kids got to guess how many were inside.  We had eighteen guesses, which wasn't too bad!  We had 36 kids attend, which was good attendance for our first time doing this party!

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