Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Hiding Games

 I don't know about you, but my preschoolers absolutely LOVE hiding games!  I've made several over the last few months and I made them portable.  What I mean is, they will stick to a flannelboard or a ruler.  I take a standard ruler, cover it in paper, and velcro the hiding game to it.  This way I can have something fun to take to outreach programs without having to carry a big flannelboard.  I have pictures below of the hiding games I've made that open up to reveal the item.  Let me know if you have any others you'd like to see, I'd love to make them!

One more thing, I have velcro on all of my hiding games.  This allows me to change out the item we are looking for each time.

Barn Hiding Game:
For this game I made three red barns before I realized I wanted them to all be different colors.  Instead of making more, I put shapes on the top of each barn.  As you can see, this barn has....a pig inside!

Dog Hiding Game:
For this game I made three different colored doghouses.  I have to admit, this one took a little while to make but I love it!

Leaf Hiding Game:
For this game I made three different colored leaves.  As you can see in the second picture, that small black square is my velcro.  I have velcro on all of the items that I hide and using velcro makes them easier to swap out.  I also laminate all of the pieces I use to make them sturdier.

Tree Hiding Game:
For this game I made three different trees with numbers on them.  You can easily change out the numbers for shapes or letters.

Apple Hiding Game:
For this game I made three different colored apples.  This is one of my favorite because the kids love seeing the purple apple!

Color Changing Monster:
I love making items double-sided because it amazes the kids when the see the item change!  For this I feed my monster different food and flip him over to show the kids that he turned that color!  I also have grapes and strawberries.

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