Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Put Me in the Zoo (Preschool Storytime)

 Opening: If You Want to Hear a Story
If you want to hear a story, clap your hands! (repeat)
If you want to hear a story, if you want to hear a story,
If you want to hear a story, clap your hands!

Book: Get Out of My Bath!

Action: Cow Hiding in Barn
*I have many hiding games, so you can click here to see them all!

Action: Farm Animal Movement Cards
*For this I have different farm animals with actions.  I will hold up each card, ask what animal it is.  After that we will make the noise of each animal and do an action.

Book: Dini Dinosaur
*For this I have a dinosaur that goes on my flannelboard.  He has clothes that I take off as we read the book. I really need to make a much bigger version of this.  The one I currently have is very small!

Fingerplay: 5 Rubber Ducks
*For this I like to put up rubber ducks on my flannel.  If the kids are receptive, I will have my volunteer spray "mist" as the ducks jump into the water.  If not, then you can replace the ducks with a big puddle of water on the flannelboard.

5 rubber ducks came out to play,

Battling the waves in the tub today. (wave fingers around)

Along came the splash that sent one to shore, (throw hands up high in the air)

And then he couldn’t play anymore.

4 rubber ducks…

3 rubber ducks…

2 rubber ducks…

1 rubber duck came out to play,

Battling the waves in the tub today. (wave fingers around)

Along came the splash that sent him to shore, (throw hands up high in the air)

Now no rubber ducks can play anymore.


Book: Do Cows Meow?

Closing: We Wave Goodbye Like This (Tune: The Farmer in the Dell)

We wave goodbye like this,

We wave goodbye like this.

We clap our hands for all our friends!

We wave goodbye like this.

We wave goodbye really fast,

We wave goodbye really slow.

We turn around and take a bow,

And then it’s time to go!

Credit: adapted from Storytime Katie

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