Friday, February 4, 2022

I love soup! (Preschool Storytime)

Preschool Storytime:

Opening: If You Want to Hear a Story, Clap Your Hands
If you want to hear a story, clap your hands! (repeat twice)
If you want to hear a story, if you want to hear a story.
If you want to hear a story, clap your hands

Book: I Really Like Slop!

Fingerplay: Soup Song (Tune: Farmer in the Dell)
The soup is boiling up, the soup is boiling up. (wiggle hands upwards)
Stir slow-around we go, the soup is boiling up.
First we add some {food}, first we add some {food}
Stir slow-around we go, the soup is boiling up.
*For this I have a big pot that I put my flannel food inside. I really like to give the kids pieces of flannel food that they can place in the pot as we sing about it. Or give them magnetic letters and let them do alphabet soup.)

Book: Is That Wise, Pig?

Fingerplay: Stir, Stir, Stir the Soup
(Tune: Row, Row, Row Your Boat)
Stir, stir, stir the soup. Stir it all day long!
Add some {food}, take a taste SLURP!
Soup will make us strong!
*To make this more interactive I like to give the kids scarves to wave around or flannel food to put in the pot.

Book: There's a Giraffe In My Soup!

*One of my favorite things to do with this books is I take a soup pot that has a lid. Then my volunteer will "deliver" my soup with different animals inside. The kids go crazy over this!

Closing Song: We Wave Goodbye Like This (Tune: The Farmer in the Dell)
We wave goodbye like this,
We wave goodbye like this.
We clap our hands for all our friends!
We wave goodbye like this.
We wave goodbye really fast,
We wave goodbye really slow.
We turn around and take a bow,
And then it’s time to go!
Credit: adapted from Storytime Katie

Extra Books:

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