Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Seek and Count (Preschool Storytime)

Opening:  If You Want to Hear a Story, Clap Your Hands (Tune: If You’re Happy and You Know It)

If you want to hear a story, clap your hands! (repeat twice)

If you want to hear a story, if you want to hear a story.

If you want to hear a story, clap your hands!

Book: One-Osaurus, Two-Osaurus

Fingerplay: Ten Kittens

Ten little kittens standing in a row (Palms facing forward, fingers extended.)
They bow their heads to the children just so (Bend fingers back and forth.)
They run to the left, they run to the right (Move fingers to alternate sides, wiggling fingers.)
they stretch up tall with all their might. (Also do high, low, behind, front, fast, slow.)
Along comes a dog, looking for some fun. (Fingers of one hand resting on thumb, move towards other hand.)
"Meow!" Away those kittens run! (As you meow, open both hands with fingers extended.  "Run" hands behind back.)

Book: One Sheep, Two Sheep

Fingerplay: 5 Little Bugs
*For this I have three large bugs I've made, picture below. You can do this a number of ways, put the bugs up on your flannelboard, or attach them to rulers and wave them around. I've also give volunteers or staff helping me a bug to hold up also.
3 little bugs were flying through the air (make motions with hands)
Buzzing around without a care
Along came a frog with a hippety-hop (Hop up and down)
GULP! GULP! GULP! (snap hands together)
One bug was caught!

Book: Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons

Closing: We Wave Goodbye Like This (Tune: The Farmer in the Dell)

We wave goodbye like this,

We wave goodbye like this.

We clap our hands for all our friends!

We wave goodbye like this.

We wave goodbye really fast,

We wave goodbye really slow.

We turn around and take a bow,

And then it’s time to go!

Credit: adapted from Storytime Katie

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